This site will be hanging around though. I'll miss it!
Lennel <3
Purple Kim
My Spouse is a Mouse in a Blouse in a House!
The Other Blog
Cheng Wei's Strange Poems
Business Week
Chengwei in New York City!
The Ivory League
Rendez-Vous Rehearsal 1
Rendez-Vous Rehearsal 2
Rendez-Vous- Potpourri Concert 2007
Mars The Bringer of War - Touch Concert 2008
Saturday Night Waltz - Images Concert 2006
Elegie - Touch Concert 2006
Gigue and Minuet - Dance Concert 2005
Chopin- Nocturne in E Major Op. 61
Grieg- Sonata in E 2nd Movement
Debussy- La Plus Que Lente
Friendster Profile
Technorati Profile
DESIGNER: ice angel
Brushes: Fractured-Sanity.Org
This site will be hanging around though. I'll miss it!
Apparantly people on my tagboard are now complaining about their absence on my blog. That's becasue nothing interesting has happened! Okay, here's DEH Lemon Cheong. =) Hang in there lemon, as I am hanging with you. Hanging out, hanging in, hanging about.
Lennel's awesome charging screen.
Valentines =)
A part of my present for Lennel (what the actual surprise was is a secret, hee). Stamps with us on them! haha, two stamps are missing because I mailed them to his house with my card/postsecrets.
Early valentines dinner @ PS Cafe Demsey. The soups were huge, and awesome.
I got 3 gifts!
'The Sweet Gift'- Haiku cupcakes! That's the third of my presents...had a pretty hard time diciphering them, but love them anw. Haiku's have a special significance for us. And every cupcake has something purple on them!
'The Funny Gift' - heehee, I couldn't believe it, but he got me a PURPLE HAIRDRYER. (don't be jealous mouse). Lol! I've never owned a hair dryer in my life, and now I'm motivated to use this one because it's purple. Yes, I just told my mum that 'I'm very lazy to dry my hair, but this one is purple, think I don't mind' and she totally rolled her eyes. Quite a coincidence that my Dad previously bought my mum a hairdryer on their first valentines... AND my maid informed me that my mum's hairdryer had sparks when she turned it on yesterday, so now she wants a new one.
'The Pretty Gift' - PURPLE earrings and pendant. Gosh, the earrings are very simple, but I LOVE them. Sparkling purple things... yay! And turns out I was wearing purple today too!
Many more things I could say, but I rather not. =)
Oh well, we spent most of today actually lazing about...and I had piano lesson, followerd by family gathering for my uncle who's back from Germany. Mr Ku was pretty intrigued by Lennel's cupcakes, lol. Told me, 'I didn't register he was your bf because I thought you'd date someone older'. I informed him that Lennel was 28, which surprised him as it has surprised everyone. Sigh, I look old!
And today, something so strange happened I can't stop recalling the moment. To have a grown man nearly cry in front of you. It's not abnormal.. but somehow, it was all very deeply etched in my memory. (No no, just to clarify- I did not make Lennel cry.)
So tired!
A time to treasure
They're not really worthy of me mulling over.
I'm pretty much at the peak of my life now, with almost (keyword is almost) everything going well. I've been blessed with good things, and a lot of them. So why complain? Just have to bite my teeth and keep forging ahead, hopefully without dragging my feet too much.
With that, I start another busy day filled with (self) expectations and stress.
I've been living like that for so long that I don't know how else but to continue panicking.
The Mouse I Love
Here's the mouse I love, and am so proud of. Who's been amazing to me, and even more amazing in herself.
We hung out at Starbucks to wait for MarkMark. Finally met up with MM! And it's really sweet how MM actually wants to be friends with us considering we randomly traumatized him in business history class for no gd reason at all. (e.g. disturbing him on MSN, saying random stupid things to him, telling him he 'hashas toto speakspeak likelike thisthis').
Frustrations and Anger
I've no idea why I like this picture so much- probably because the lighting at Ikea makes me look like I've glowing complexion, haha.