Sunday, October 29, 2006
Lynn's Birthday, Friday, Saturday
Love my new desktop. =)
Lynn the biologist caught a moth off my hand... while I start shrieking at anything that resembles a fly and comes near me, this woman holds it in her finger and marvels at its pretty wings...
We were celebrating Lynn's birthday at Science Canteen...really rushed considering we only haf 1.5 hours, but it was great seeing everyone again!Happy Birthday (dinosaur) Lynn!
I miss Yizhen, busy woman.
Reminding Lynn that she is 22., Behaving like we're 2.I almost blew up at a project groupmate today. I stayed up until 4am to test out the PH Stat 2 program for our project, woke up at 10am to get ready for our meeting at 11pm...and he called me at 12+ to say he just woke up. I don't like showing my anger, but I was so tired that it was a little hard, so I just kept really quite for awhile. Then I decided that I'm probably just being unduly bitchy because there're just too many things occupying me these days, and all was fine again.Must learn to be more understanding/patient. :sMany thoughts on the past week, but I need to wake up early to get a haircut before going to work tomorrow, so- I'm ashamed to say that I never knew Al Gore was such an environmentalist until I watched An Inconvenient Truth, I don't understand why people get so competitive over test results (If you're a freshman, fine, granted that it's hard not to get anxious in your first semester...but if you're a Year 2 and you worry about being on the bottom of the bell curve because you a grand total of 5 marks...tsktsk), I've been passing by Vivocity so much that I need to go there soon, stop acting like your world crumbling because frankly, it gets annoying, feels like I've lost a great opportunity. So much work to do, but I'm looking forward to work tomorrow... it's been quite long. Goodnight.
Friday, October 27, 2006
I think I'm still suffering from all the sleep debt accmulated over the past two weeks (The word debt only reminds me of financial accounting...accumulated loses on beauty sleep.) I thought I should have more than made up for it by sleeping until 12 noon on Tuesday, but no! I'm still dozing through lessons everyday... Right now, I'm looking forward to having a cup of coffee during Econs lecture tomorrow morning... I was really so tempted to have a cup today, but since I had some on Wednesday, I'd probably feel too much guilt. I'm really getting progressively slack with each semester... there were so many things I could have done over the past weekends, mapping my exchange modules and settling other exchange matters for instance, but I chose to shop my weekend away. A public holiday came by on Tuesday, and I decided to call my mum up for some last minute shopping...which was fun, but absolutely insane. Everytime we intend to spend off our Takashimaya/Isetan vouchers, we end up spending money elsewhere! While waiting for Sushi Tei to call when they had available seats, we walked around Paragon and discovered that Marks and Spencers was having a clearance sale... and happily tried on clothes until we missed Sushi Tei's first call and had to wait again. We went back straightaway after dinner and still couldn't decide what to buy... since the store has a full refund policy, we ended up buying everything first so that we could decide what to return at home, hahaha. Honestly, it wasn't my idea, only my mum is capable of coming up with such bizarre ideas...(I still haven't decided what to return yet...) Oh, I met up with Alex for the first time in more than a year when he crashed my MS lecture. Really fun seeing an old friend!!! And he thinks I haven't changed a bit- still wearing black and hiny stuff, same hair, same face, same size, still tall, same shopping habits... oh well. =)Finally settled my flight to NYC today. Well, almost. It's been so complicated (long story) and stressful that I've been losing sleep over it for weeks. Maybe that's why I'm so tired today, because... I can sleep in peace soon. My days are full of sighs. I'm going to concuss (lynn's word!), right now, goodnight.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
irritated with myself
I was in the toilet today when someone called. While arguing on the phone, I conveniently left my MS notes/tutorial in the toilet. Spent so long doing the stupid tutorial, most difficult topic to grasp. Had to go downtown to collect my pay today, wasn't great either. Isn't that great. I'll sleep it off and wake up fine tomorrow.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Did you say.. shopping?
Yay, I found my shirt @ Marina today... the last S-sized piece left! Manda came out with me again... girl, you're as crazy as me, I belong to the Zara league, you... the whole topshop/dorothy perkins/miss solfridge family! Can totally predict which shirts you will go for these days, haha. Anyway, I still think the girl on my shirt looks like me (a bit). Topshop looked like it was having a mega show, but we didn't buy anything. What a slack weekend- all the shopping, and I've to go to Orchard again tomorrow... At least I managed to settle my tutorials, unlike last week. I think I will start regretting not spending my free time to settle my projects...but well, regrets can always come later. Happy Birthday to Lynn!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
lots of ramblings ahead
Lots of stupid pictures today, because it's my SLACK day. After a crazy two weeks, I hope my life will start having a semblence of least for awhile. Anyway, that's why I see, every single day, before I go to sleep... I come back, dumb every thing, start to rush my work, then when I finally get to go to bed, i realize, 'shucks, I need to pack...'...guess it's obvious what I did today from the Zara and WH carriers...=) Last night, feeling slightly liberated after finishing my sixth mid-term and looking forward to getting Econs presentation over and done with today...I got inspired, rang up Manda...and tadaa! Shopping today.
My, I think this is absolutely lovely...some CLEO display of designer Barbies and Dollhouses... so many of them, with different themes (spot the Espirit one)...I used to love barbie dolls when I was young, but I've never seen any so pretty...
Manda and I... and we love this picture, think the lighting makes us look glowing... which is nothing that I am now, considering I've been sleeping an average of 4-5 hours a day for two weeks. This morning, when I put on some smokey eye shadow (I'm into black eyeshadow, haha), I had to rub someaway...together with my really black eye rings, I looked like I decided to paint black circles round my eyes...Anyway babe, thanks for coming out today! In fact, thanks for being one of the best shopping partners! Or rather, best watching-shopping-partner. I shop, you watch (extremely patiently)haha. I will send you the Barbie pictures soon! What am I doing to do without you as my fashion guru on exchange...
New purchases (and some shameless photowhoring...i know I look bad, 12 midnight!). Finally found one of those semi-formal-collar-inside thingy in ZARA, and it was only 16.90! Decided to buy one for QY too, since she seems to like these kind of thing...And I LOVE the latest (okay, maybe not latest, since I haven't been to town for so long) collection of T-shirts at Zara... see the black shirt on top...admittedly, it looks like any other black/shiny zara shirt that I have, BUT it has ZARA written right across I can be a (very willing) walking advertisement for my favourite store... the other two designs are in white, but they ran out of S-sizes...sigh, one of them is really so sweet, looks like a magazine cover... for once, I prefer white over black, and they don't have size, can't believe it. The salesgirl said Marina has it, but they'll only hold reservations for one day, and I don't know if I've time to go down tomorrow.
Digression- much as I love Zara, I've a million complains... Why are their sizes so inconsistent?! I got Size M (which is my normal size) for the black one, which fitted perfectly...but the white Size M is somehow bigger... they should just standardize their Zara clothes come in S,M,L because their sizes are never consistent...AND their skirts are always so big, even in S-sizes... AND their pants are so small/fitting that I get depressed trying them...AND why don't they have any Zara membership cards or something... or discounts with any cards...AND their vouchers cannot be used during sales period, which made Ray decide not to give me Zara vouchers last time, haha.
I want my size S white shirts =(
Cheery stripe shirt's from WH. Manda insisted I needed something different from my regular clothes...
...then, I decided, how come I've never ever taken a picture with my favourite store??? So there and my Zara bags at Zara Wheelock. Enough about clothes.
I almost died the last two busy with tests/projects/piano that I had no time to prepare for my Econs presentation today until about 11pm last night when Vi came over to do it. Thank goodness there were loads of people who helped me by providing answers (haha) and explaining stuff, like Daqi, Linda, Dingsheng, Kelvin. I actually feel kind of bad, have never 'cheated' so much in my entire life, but I just didn't have any time this week!
I was so stressed last night that I actually forgot to eat my dinner. Had a few cookies when I went to attend the last mintue HnF comm meeting, prepared for Econs presentation...and at 2am, I stood up to go to the washroom, and I felt so dizzy...that was when I realized I was starrrvvvinnnngggg. Decideding that I really didn't have enough energy to make it to the washroom, I immediately plonked myself right back at my desk, grabbed some food from the shelf next to me and started munching. Then I went to the washroom. Dinner at 2am, how sad is my life man.
As usual, Friday econs tutorial comes with some Friday bitchiness about the tutor. She was studying her own book during most of our presentation. She would be reading, and once in awhile, she would look up and say, 'good.' And that's probably only because she likes guys and Vi was dressed nicely today (well, that's what she told him) In fact, I couldn't help but notice that she said 'good' after both the two guys in my group presented
... halfway through, her favourite student got a bit confused and asked a pretty silly question, and she went over to 'scold' him for being blur as we continued presenting to her back. She thought we were 'excellent', which doesn't count for anything since she didn't listen to a thing we said. After we finished, I decided to try ask her a question that I didn't understand, she obviously didn't know the answer and hushed me by saying, 'later.' Obviously 'later' never came, as usual.
I've long given up on learning anything in Econs tutorial. I hate to say this, but I only go because I'm so lost in Econs that I might just screw up the exams, and the last thing I need is to lose marks from attendance. What a shame. At the end of the semester, when it's time to fill in those feedback forms, I'll make sure that I'll complain about all her incompetence. In fact, maybe I should just write an E-mail. Oh yea, she looked through the class list today and saw that XXX scored 22/25 for the Mid Sem Test, just as her favourite student walked in. So she asked him, 'Is your name XXX?' (Amazing, she doesn't even know her favourite student's name.) Anyway, even though most of us arejust 'huh-ing' through every single tutorial, she told us that considers us to be her 'strongest' class and had high hopes that we would 'perform' during the mid sem tests and not let her down...right. She probably thinks the entire class is made up of one student. I CANNOT STAND IT.
At least I met 2 funky groupmates in Econs, Jill and Suyi, who're from NY too. Discovered that Jill likes yam paos, shopping and sushi too, haha. And Jill told me that Junxian was fighting with her to get the last yam pao in the canteen today...didn't know there were so many yam pao fans around. No wonder the canteen always runs out of paos before I can get them.
I don't feel like sleeping-when I wake up, it'll be back to work. Can't believe I'm still so awake despite barely sleeping last night. I finally had some time to read the Kellerman book on the way to town today. Maybe I should just cuddle up and read some more (oh nono, must pack the bed first.)
It suddenly feels like a coincidence. I just recalled that at this time a year ago, exactly the Friday after Exxonmobil concert ended...I finished my presentation for the writing module, decided I needed to get out, and took a bus down to Orchard - but, alone. A year ago, I walked past Paragon, ran into someone, and came back feeling worst than ever. Today, I ate at Spaggeddies Paragon, and came back feeling glad that I met up with Manda. Oh well, I just can't believe - it's been a year.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Images Part 2 (literally)
Friends - Junwen, Ray, Kai, my happy sunflower, Yizhen Other friends who came - Visayon, Daqi =)
My piano teacher. I was a primary 2 kid when I first met her. Now I feel like a GIANT standing next to her.
Linli! I cannot believe that after seeing her every week for one month plus - we just realized after taking this photo that... we look like each other! Same face shape. I'm suddenly reminded of the first time Mr Ku introduced me to her and Minyu said, 'Wah, both of you are in stripes, so partner-ish already.' I put this on Msn and immediately, someone said, 'I thought I was looking at a mirror.' Anyway, Linli is damn funny. Normal people like me have their fingers trembling while performing... but...
This girl trembles AFTER performing...couldn't take a steady shot despite many many tries...(that's KC in the standard post - don't ask why.)
... tries and tries later, she did it!
And so, the concert's over. One more thing off my mind. My feet has never trembled so much in my entire life, but no wrong notes (at least none that I know off.) This is my third, possibly last (who knows if I can still play after Exchange), and favourite-...So nice to play with Linli, so nice to play with a girl! Really going to miss her coolness. We both thought it was not bad, let's hope the recording doesn't let us down too much (well, it always does a bit, you start to realize how many things went wrong when you listen.) ...and Saturday Night Waltz is a nice piece. The nicest I've play so far. Not that I didn't like Elegie... but that could really put one too sleep. This was pleasant... And so many parts I always look forward too when I play - the doppio (extremely stressful though), the first introduction of the theme, and the part just after meno mosso... okay, no one understands me. ...and, my (ex) piano teacher came this time! That really did make my night- she taught me for more than 10 years after all. =) She looks so much older and thinner now... A walk down to UCC, and so many new discoveries. Must remember to write TK a card before flying to NYC. I'm so going to break my one coffee in two days rule and drink coffee tomorrow. Back to the real world (otherwise known as, work.) But- last test tomorrow! I need to go shopping, can't stand it! Too bad my parents are going to Genting this weekend, which means... boredom in PGP the whole weekend.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Magic Works
While running today, the song Magic Works by Patrick Doyle just suddenly came to mind... and so I'm listening to it over and over again right now... It's really such a lovely song, the words, the music...somehow, it gives me a sense of calm. Anyway, I really need some Magic to get through this week. I can't believe it, there's a Sports Club Meeting tomorrow, so I've tow aste 3 hours sitting down (not) listening to people talk. Why this week. I seem to have an amazing ability to relax/put things off these days. Amazingly did nothing after FNA test yesterday. In normal circumstances (last two semesters), if my mum's late to pick me, I'll be like, 'ughhh I've no time, faster' and then rush her through dinner and everything. Yesterday, I just didn't care - decided to take my time to clean my room slowly while waiting. And I didn't rush her to bring me back today - after lunch, she somehow got distracted looking at clothes somewhere, and I just went to the bakery and spent ages looking at bread. And I still ran extra rounds the track today, took two hours to shower, another hour for dinner...At the very least, I got new shoes yesterday! My mum bought this pair of leather shoes for herself and insisted I go take a look before dinner. And it was really quite nice and cheap! Now we've the same shoes, that makes me an auntie... And she gave me this pair of earrings her friend gave her, very very turquoise =) =) =) Relative to all the stress these days, small things are enough to make me happy for awhile, haha. Sigh, I miss my Zara...especially after today- I was looking for paper bags in the store room at home today, and I realized, there're really so many Zara carriers in there man. Shall wear a Zara shirt to class tomorrow for the sake of it...And dance your final dance
This is your final chance
To hold the one you loveY
ou know you've waited long enough
Believe that magic works
Don't be afraid
Of bein' hurt
Don't let this magic die
The answer's there
Oh, just look in her eyes
So many memories,
none too magical.
Magic Works
While running today, the song Magic Works by Patrick Doyle just suddenly came to mind... and so I'm listening to it over and over again right now... It's really such a lovely song, the words, the music...somehow, it gives me a sense of calm. Anyway, I really need some Magic to get through this week. I can't believe it, there's a Sports Club Meeting tomorrow, so I've tow aste 3 hours sitting down (not) listening to people talk. Why this week. I seem to have an amazing ability to relax/put things off these days. Amazingly did nothing after FNA test yesterday. In normal circumstances (last two semesters), if my mum's late to pick me, I'll be like, 'ughhh I've no time, faster' and then rush her through dinner and everything. Yesterday, I just didn't care - decided to take my time to clean my room slowly while waiting. And I didn't rush her to bring me back today - after lunch, she somehow got distracted looking at clothes somewhere, and I just went to the bakery and spent ages looking at bread. And I still ran extra rounds the track today, took two hours to shower, another hour for dinner...At the very least, I got new shoes yesterday! My mum bought this pair of leather shoes for herself and insisted I go take a look before dinner. And it was really quite nice and cheap! Now we've the same shoes, that makes me an auntie... And she gave me this pair of earrings her friend gave her, very very turquoise =) =) =) Relative to all the stress these days, small things are enough to make me happy for awhile, haha. Sigh, I miss my Zara...especially after today- I was looking for paper bags in the store room at home today, and I realized, there're really so many Zara carriers in there man. Shall wear a Zara shirt to class tomorrow for the sake of it...And dance your final dance
This is your final chance
To hold the one you loveY
ou know you've waited long enough
Believe that magic works
Don't be afraid
Of bein' hurt
Don't let this magic die
The answer's there
Oh, just look in her eyes
So many memories,
none too magical.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Something to be cheery about
I absolutely cannot wait cannot wait for next thursday - it'll mean finishing Stats Mid-terms tomorrow, Financial Accounting mid-terms on Saturday, Foundations of Engineering Test 1 on Monday, Piano Concert on Wednesday, Foundations of Engineering Matlab Test on Thursday, Econs Presentation due on Friday (omg, I totally forgot about this). I feel like I can barely breathe right now, with all the rushing and millions of things to do this week. I don't quite know waht's going to happen next week because I've not even touched my engineering notes. Neither have I printed the tutorials due then. And I don't feel very prepared for concert either. After next thursday... probably projects and term papers. (Don't even want to think about it)Today couldn't have been worst. Bad Financial Accounting Presentation, rushing about, barely able to walk in my shoes (how on earth did my shoes expand in three weeks? They were so huge that they kept falling off my feet, and they're my favourite shoes! :( ), starving the whole day (stress-induced-gluttony + no time to eat), wasted time freezing in the LT while going through Econs Test, absoltuely shitty Econs Test results, started studying for tomorrow's test at 11pm, dinner alone in my room, horrible cold and soggy hor fun for dinner (no time to eat before that), room still in a mess right now... But at the very least -I really enjoyed practising with Linli today. A bit stressful because we couldn't play together when we decided to stop looking at each other's fingers... but it was amusing anyway, and she's really quite an interesting/funny person to talk to. I feel like she's my piano teacher sometimes, and I'm the kid who can't seem to get very much right. And... I'm feeling rich(er) today. =) =) =) Don't ask me for sharkfins/beer/whatever because... I'm saving for exchange! Felt so happy when I messaged my mum today. Oh, and I couldn't stop trembling while playing the piano today! All because I drank coffee before that. I can't believe it, I drink so much less coffee now that my fingers actually tremble when I drink the coffee from business school canteen. Means I'm a lot less caffeine tolerent => Less addicted! *pats self* But that doesn't mean I'll stop drinking, because business school canteen coffee is really the best you can get for 90cents...mmm. Speaking of which, I really seem to get addicted to random things from the drinks store at the canteen... first it was all the red bean stuff-pao, bun, tau sar piah, then soon kuay, which I normally LOATHE... then vitasoy+cereal flavour (no more stock :( )... and right now, pandan chiffon cake, which is as random as it could possibly get. But I was having it with coffee during my USP class today... perfect combination!Okay, can't waste time anymore. Can't wait for dinner on Saturday, as usual. Think I'll probably be going to Harbour Front to check out Vivo City with my mum, yay. I sound like a kid.Nah, I've never wished to go back to being a kid. I just wish I either have less things to do, or am so damn smart/efficient/amazing that they don't stress me out.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
All will be fine
...or rather, everything better be fine! As of today, I've started being horrible stressed. I don't even want to start listing down everything at the back of mine screaming, 'You must do me! But you can't do me yet, you don't know how to do me!'... or I'll just go nuts thinking about it. I've a Management Science test today evening and guess what? I flipped open the MS textbook for the first time at 12 midnight. Way to go.With a million things to do, I've decided to modify my sleeping formula-Original Formula: Sleeping time = Time of first class - 1 hour to change /eat / get onto the bus - 7 hours to sleep
New Formula: Sleeping time = Time of first class - 1 hour* to change / eat / get onto bus - 6* hours to sleep
*Subject to further revisions.
With a million things to do, I still couldn't to resist the urge to run today! Especially when the heavy rain in the morning cleared most of the haze. I think I'm crazy...
With a million things to do, I shall simply resign myself and take one day at a time, one thing at a time. No sulking CW, it's a waste of time!
With a million things to do, I will not fall sick.
With a million things to do, I will not go crazy.
With a million things to do, I need to stop typing now!