Lynn's Birthday, Friday, Saturday

Love my new desktop. =)

We were celebrating Lynn's birthday at Science Canteen...really rushed considering we only haf 1.5 hours, but it was great seeing everyone again!Happy Birthday (dinosaur) Lynn!

I miss Yizhen, busy woman.

Reminding Lynn that she is 22., Behaving like we're 2.
I almost blew up at a project groupmate today. I stayed up until 4am to test out the PH Stat 2 program for our project, woke up at 10am to get ready for our meeting at 11pm...and he called me at 12+ to say he just woke up. I don't like showing my anger, but I was so tired that it was a little hard, so I just kept really quite for awhile. Then I decided that I'm probably just being unduly bitchy because there're just too many things occupying me these days, and all was fine again.
Must learn to be more understanding/patient. :s
Many thoughts on the past week, but I need to wake up early to get a haircut before going to work tomorrow, so- I'm ashamed to say that I never knew Al Gore was such an environmentalist until I watched An Inconvenient Truth, I don't understand why people get so competitive over test results (If you're a freshman, fine, granted that it's hard not to get anxious in your first semester...but if you're a Year 2 and you worry about being on the bottom of the bell curve because you a grand total of 5 marks...tsktsk), I've been passing by Vivocity so much that I need to go there soon, stop acting like your world crumbling because frankly, it gets annoying, feels like I've lost a great opportunity.
So much work to do, but I'm looking forward to work tomorrow... it's been quite long. Goodnight.
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