I don't like it. I'm supposed to play hard and work enough.
It's a dumb rule I have for myself. A rule I've been breaking.
Lennel <3
Purple Kim
My Spouse is a Mouse in a Blouse in a House!
The Other Blog
Cheng Wei's Strange Poems
Business Week
Chengwei in New York City!
The Ivory League
Rendez-Vous Rehearsal 1
Rendez-Vous Rehearsal 2
Rendez-Vous- Potpourri Concert 2007
Mars The Bringer of War - Touch Concert 2008
Saturday Night Waltz - Images Concert 2006
Elegie - Touch Concert 2006
Gigue and Minuet - Dance Concert 2005
Chopin- Nocturne in E Major Op. 61
Grieg- Sonata in E 2nd Movement
Debussy- La Plus Que Lente
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DESIGNER: ice angel
Brushes: Fractured-Sanity.Org
If I even complete walking it, I salute my poor legs.
My mum says it's a really guy phone, but I like it! stylish. I've pretty guy characteristics at times, like a guyish handwriting. Make that awful guyish handwriting, but I like it and I refuse to change! And the comment someone once said which still amuses me up to this day- 'You do things like a guy, but you've a very feminine personality.' hahaha. Oh well. On another note, How Technology Works convinces me that I'm a complete physics dummy. I heard the words 'scalar' and 'vector' quantities and 'normal reaction force' for the first time since I was 16 on Friday, and I almost fainted. Blah. And I'm giving a talk on Super Glue for class, ha. Well, on the bright side, I get to ask my Dad, who always told me, 'I used to think physics is so easy. Just understand the basic principles and you can solve any question', to help me with my tutorials. Something for the father and daughter to do on Sundays. =) I'm a crappy student though, but daughters don't get sacked right?
Well, it feels good to be back, for now. :)
I don't like it. I'm supposed to play hard and work enough.
It's a dumb rule I have for myself. A rule I've been breaking.
Anyway, I'm feeling happy now. I'm dreading the day ahead, fully expecting myself to fall asleep in class... but inside, my heart is smiling, and I know the day will be fine. Because today is a good day, I just bought something for someone! Oooo can't wait can't wait can't wait. I'm getting poorer, but whatever, I like spending money on myself, people... well, I'm just addicted to spending huh.
Well, I can't spill the beans on who/what/when. So I shall continue in with my secret grinning for the rest of the day.
Oh gosh, why am I so excited! It's not as if I just bought myself something!
Calling for help!
Inspired by Lynn my crazy-run-partner, I signed up for the Standard Chartered Full Marathon, 3 days after my last paper. Help. Anyone has marathon training tips?
Pleasant Torture
Lynn and I completed our 2nd half marathon! Can't believe I can still do it, and I think I ran faster this year. :)
I just sold my darling black Nokia 7260 handphone. It's been about 20 minutes since I've been phoneless. And I feel naked already. I can practically HEAR my unread sms-es screaming for my attention - 'read me! read me!' Eeks, imagine life without a handphone!
I came across this while blog surfing...
After a while, I stopped trying to discover the identity of the sender, I just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower nestled in folds of soft pink tissue paper.
But I never stopped imagining who the sender might be. Some of my happiest moments were spent in day dreams about someone wonderful and exciting, but too shy or eccentric to make known his or her identity. In my teen years, it was fun to speculate that the sender might be a boy I had a crush on, or even someone I didn't know who had noticed me..
My mother often contributed to my speculations, she's asked me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness, who might be showing appreciation anonymously. She reminded me of the times when I'd been riding my bike and our neighbour drove up with her car full of groceries and children.
I always helped her unload the car and made sure the children didn't run into the road. Or maybe the mystery sender was the old man across the street. I often retrieved his mail during the winter, so he wouldn't have to venture down his icy steps.
My mother did her best to foster my imagination about the gardenia. She wanted her children to be creative. She also wanted us to feel cherished and loved, not just by her, but by the world at large.
When I was 17, a boy broke my heart. The night he called for the last time, I cried myself to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, there was a message scribbled on my mirror in red lipstick: "Heartily know, when half-gods go, the gods arrive." I thought about the quotation from Emerson for a long time, and I left it where my mother had written it until my heart healed. When I finally went for the glass cleaner, my mother knew that everything was all right again.
But there were some hurts that my mother couldn't heal. A month before my high school graduation, my father died suddenly of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from simple grief to abandonment, fear, distrust and overwhelming anger that my dad was missing some of the most important events in my life. I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation, the senior-class play and the prom-events that I had worked on and looked forward to. I even considered staying home to attend college instead of going away as I had planned because it felt safer.
My mother, in the midst of her own grief, wouldn't hear of me missing out on any of these things. The day before my father died, she and I had gone shopping for a prom dress and had found a spectacular one - yards and yards of dotted Swiss in red, white and blue. But it was the wrong size, and when my father died the next day, I forgot all about the dress.
My mother didn't. The day before the prom, I found that dress waiting for me - in the right size. It was draped majestically over the living room sofa, presented to me artistically and lovingly. I may not have cared about having a new dress, but my mother did.
She cared how we children felt about ourselves. She imbued us with a sense of the magic in the world, and she gave us the ability to see beauty even in the face of adversity.
In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves like the gardenia
My mother died when I was 22, only 10 days after I was married. That was the year the gardenias stopped coming.
New Semester New Start New Resolutions
(1) I like running, but I will not run away from my problems.
(2) Drink 8 cups of water a day (hopefully my stupid complexion clears :s )
(3) No biscuits. PERIOD.
(4) Keep fighting.
(5) Accept what I can't change, and then move forward.
(6) I will regulate my sleeping hours. (very very hard).
(7) Be nice.
(8) Stop having so many expectations (of others).
(9) Don't be afraid to ask for help.
I thought I had many resolutions in the shower, but they seem to have escaped me.
And I registered for Army Half Marathon! I thought I missed the dateline, but it was extended. Looking forward to running it with Lynn again... but it's in a mere two weeks and I've no idea if I can get my stamina up. Trying to convince myself I can do it, running is all in the mind!
School was kind of disappointing, fewer familiar places then I expected. I guess everyone's on exchange. Having said that, I managed to meet Linda for lunch. Thanks for the present babe, and it was nice catching up.
The day wasn't as perfect as I swore I'd make it, but it wasn't too bad. My Dad surprised me with a call... just to ask, 'How was your first day of school?' =)
And my wisdom tooth is hurting like nuts. =(
For the first time in 7 months, I ran around the NUS campus today! 2 rounds, plus the 143 NUH steps on the way back. Yay, I'm not as lousy as I imagined I would be.
In a way, I'm glad to be back, in my own room, my own personal space. Much as I love to be at home, I like being here in PGP... it saves me so much time from travelling and in exchange, I can run, do what I want, and not be tempted to skip classes. The weekends are always something to look forward to... being away from home, makes home sweeter than ever. And now that my mum has familiarized herself with MSN ever since I went to NYC, we can chat online when I'm in PGP!
I'm one of the few privileged enough to have watch the NDP live for 10+ years... so much so that no matter how 'special' each year's parade was supposed to be, I was hardly impressed... at the end of it, everything's the same. So, when we stopped getting tickets, I stopped watching the parades, not even on TV. Yesterday, expecting something different since it was at Marina Bay, I tuned in to watch NDP 2007. It still looked the same as every single parade I have been to. What a disappointment, but that's not the point-
Laugh at me, but when the National Anthem/Pledge came on, I just felt like I needed to show some respect, and stood up. So there I was, silly girl singing the national anthem in her room. I guess it brought back memories... I miss the feeling of being in the spectators' stand, and the overwhelming sense of pride when thousands of Singaporeans sing the national anthem together. I remember my Dad telling me that no matter how many times he has been to the NDP (and he must have been at least 30 times!), he has to resist the urge to tear whenever the national anthem comes on. I think I now understand what he means.
Deep down, no matter how may grouses I have, I'm glad to be where I am, even if its only because I think life is easy in this sunny little island.
I won't be expecting any surprises, but I think I'll be watching the NDP on TV from now on, for the sake of it.
Or until I get tickets again, if ever.
Old memories...
Anyway, I've moved back to hostel... room looks unnaturally dull :( I've a nice view of trees outside my window this sem!
My mum accidentally bought me bedsheets with fishes on them...same for the bolster case. It's my first night here, I hope I don't freak out lying on my bed. (Yes, I'm dead scared of fishes) My mum tried to comfort me by saying that there are more seashells then fishes...
Random stuff
It's funny how you can feel happy seeing people you rarely talk to, simply because it's been a long time... and the familiarity is comforting. =)
(8) Dash over to Changi Airport to see Elayne off.
I want to pierce my ears...
If I didn't find it so gross, I'd pierce my tongue.
On Living Brands, and joy.
'Yes, the words business, work, and joy can be used in the same sentence without contradiction. More than anything, I want all of us to know joy and create joy. Without joy, we are betraying ourselves and everyone else, the consumers of our brands included. If you remember nothing else from this book, remember this: You can do what's right by consumers, create stellar brands, advance your career, and make both money and history.'
It reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend awhile back. A future civil servant, he wants to work in the private sector to know that he can make an important difference. And so he asked, what about the private sector? What meaning do you derive from it?
Thoughtlessly, I said, 'that's where all the money is.'
'But money... there's only so much it can do. Up to a point, you can't derive any meaning from making more money.'
True, I thought. And I couldn't really think of a good defence for the private sector. I thought of saying it's all about the ambition to do something remarkable... but that wasn't it either - surprising to most, but I'm not a terribly ambitious person. In the end, my answer was, 'Well, I guess, it's about working with a team of people to create something new... not necessarily needing to be the backbone of the team, but the satisfaction of knowing that I had definitely made a significant contribution to the team. ahhh....maybe I'm secretly egoistic!'
But after reading those final words, I finally found the perfect answer... besides the money, it's about creating something that has the capacity to bring joy to your consumers. That's why I've always liked reading about all the different brands/products in my marketing textbooks... the consumerist whore in me understands that ipods, guess bags, playstations, cosmetics etcetcetc are undeniably so cleverly marketed that they create artificial, materialistic needs... BUT they have changed many people's lives, made many people happy. And that's meaning in itself.
Of course I would understand. Zara has made me so happy on many occasions, haha.
And I think it's really apt that I finished reading this book on the way back from Vivocity... because of what I was thinking about while shopping around for a gift- This is yet another of Cheng Wei's quirky thoughts, but it suddenly came to me that a perfect job for me would be a professional present shopper/advicer. See, there're professional food tasters, professional personal shoppers... so why not a professional present shopper? Provide details on the occassion, recipient's personality, relationship etc... and the professional present shopper takes the effort to seek out a range of perfect gift ideas for you, to the exact brand name, model, colour, location... and you can easily pick out your perfect gift! Or, if you're really busy,, she (I'm pretty sure any professional shopper is a she) can get the gift for you, select the best wrappers, cards, ribbons... and have it nicely wrapped up for you. And I wouldn't say it lacks sincerity, since you'd have to think about the significance of the gift as an 'input' for the professional shopper! I figured it'd be a good job for me since I love buying presents for others, shopping around for the perfect gifts, and wrapping up presents. It's the pleasant anticipation that if you did everything right, your present might just put a smile on someone's face, add some joy to their day.
(or maybe, I just like shopping and spending too much... and seek to help others spend their money once I'm running out of my own!)
I once had a colleague called Joy. And she really lived up to her name... I used to look at her, and think about how much joy she seems to bring to everyone when she's at work, and wish I had the capacity to bring so much joy to the people around me as well.
I used to think that if I had a daughter, I wouldn't know what to name her because there're almost no girl names which I like. But now I know- If I had a daughter, I'd name her Joy. Not because I'd wish for her life to be filled with nothing buy Joy-That'd be asking for the impossible. But because I hope she'd always remember to seek out joy in her life.
Just as I'm trying to learn to do so.