For the first time in 7 months, I ran around the NUS campus today! 2 rounds, plus the 143 NUH steps on the way back. Yay, I'm not as lousy as I imagined I would be.
In a way, I'm glad to be back, in my own room, my own personal space. Much as I love to be at home, I like being here in PGP... it saves me so much time from travelling and in exchange, I can run, do what I want, and not be tempted to skip classes. The weekends are always something to look forward to... being away from home, makes home sweeter than ever. And now that my mum has familiarized herself with MSN ever since I went to NYC, we can chat online when I'm in PGP!
I'm one of the few privileged enough to have watch the NDP live for 10+ years... so much so that no matter how 'special' each year's parade was supposed to be, I was hardly impressed... at the end of it, everything's the same. So, when we stopped getting tickets, I stopped watching the parades, not even on TV. Yesterday, expecting something different since it was at Marina Bay, I tuned in to watch NDP 2007. It still looked the same as every single parade I have been to. What a disappointment, but that's not the point-
Laugh at me, but when the National Anthem/Pledge came on, I just felt like I needed to show some respect, and stood up. So there I was, silly girl singing the national anthem in her room. I guess it brought back memories... I miss the feeling of being in the spectators' stand, and the overwhelming sense of pride when thousands of Singaporeans sing the national anthem together. I remember my Dad telling me that no matter how many times he has been to the NDP (and he must have been at least 30 times!), he has to resist the urge to tear whenever the national anthem comes on. I think I now understand what he means.
Deep down, no matter how may grouses I have, I'm glad to be where I am, even if its only because I think life is easy in this sunny little island.
I won't be expecting any surprises, but I think I'll be watching the NDP on TV from now on, for the sake of it.
Or until I get tickets again, if ever.
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