Because I can't sleep...

Yep, met up with Char today (actually by now it's yesterday, but I consider it to be today as long as I haven't slept a wink.) at Coffee Bean. We pondered how much our lives have changed, but I can only say- I'm so glad nothing has changed. Old friends give me so much security. Sigh. I claim to have lost that interest in shopping (retail therapy just doesn't work anymore, it's too much of a temporary high for my liking now.), but walking around with Char for about twenty minutes made me REALLY want to shop. And all of a sudden, I'm recalling one day after our mid-years in Sec 4, when the two of us had lunch at Marches, ate potong ice-creams on a bench in front of Paragon (while chocolate ice-cream dripped off my wafle), shopped around the entire Orchard Road. Strangely, I even recall that Char bought a bag from Project Shop Blood Brothers, which is such a random thing to remember! Babe if you're reading this...we should go on a shopping spree one day, bimbo the whole Orchard Road together. :)
I can't sleep I can't sleep I can't sleep! The most ironic part is that I'm so freaking tired but I just don't sleep. Various people have given me various recommendations on ways to fall asleep, but here's why they don't work:
(1) Drink warm milk before you sleep. => Chengwei does not drink milk at all.
(2) Exercise. => If you know Chengwei, you know that she does run. Once in awhile you'd see a girl running round Nus at 2am in the morning, that's probably Chengwei and that's probably because she can't sleep. Besides, I think running keeps me more awake then anything else.
(3) Imagine a candle flame and then throw all thoughts in your head at the candle. => Kudos to es who said this, it has a mild hypnotizing effect, but nope, it doens't work either. When Chengwei feels herself drifting off to sleep, she immediately thinks, 'Oh wow. This is almost working.' which obviously negates all previous attempts at throwing away all thoughts.
(4) Don't take caffeine. => Chengwei admits to having 2 cups of coffee today, but experience tells her that she'd still be up at this unearthly hour even without that.
(5) The Dad's Advice: Learn to relax. It's better to wake up early to do your work then stay up all the time. => Chengwei's reply, 'Relax Dad.'
(6) Eat carbohydrates before you sleep. => Explains why Chengwei is eating Lao Po Bing now. Actually it's because's she's just damn hungry.
If it's meant to be a sleepless night, it's meant to be a sleepless night. This is my curse.
And it's already the 30th of December. Cliches of all cliches, but goodness, how time flies. And I look back upon the whole year, and my mind goes almost completely blank. There're a few little black holes in the blank and even fewer bright red stars, but that's all I'd say. You can't say anything on a blog. And yes, I'm being intentionally cryptic, so shoot me.
Yea you can't say anything on a blog! The bitch in me has a sudden urge to bitch but can't. I can only bitch cryptically - Hello A, I know we're friends and all but don't take it for granted. Hello B, I think you're a completely arrogant piece of shit. Hello Chengwei, you're such a bitch, you're bitching!
Oh right, being the bored person I was, I updated my Friendster Profile today. I was thinking of my top 10 quirks and the first thing that came to mind was: I like to speak of myself in the 3rd person. heh, I think Chengwei picked up that habit after studying Julius Caesar. I sound like a schizophrenic!
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