What right do I have?
He spoke of the walking dead man, the emptiness of waking up just to make ends meet, of vulgarities and the sickness that shrouds our minds. Of faith, and the lack of it. And of a sudden, I felt so so guilty, so very small. I think I'm all alone in my half-swinging madness, angst and confusion... I tell the whole world I hate stepping into school everyday, that I'd so much rather go back to the past... but what of what significance are my concerns in comparison to his?
What right do I have to whine about the dreadful tutorials, the (lack of) allowance and waking up every single day, to do nothing? I've been lucky all my life, we've been lucky all our lives... and in my self-absorbed state, I forgot, I forget.
(for that matter, the 2006 resolution is to have a better attitude to school - and I've already taken the first step! =D )
He spoke of broken English - and I was tempted to leave a comment, 'Hey heck it, what you wrote sounded so genuinely truthful, and it really moved me. I couldn't do that even if I tried.' But I'd have to leave my identity, and
What right do I have, to pry upon the thoughts of a random acquaintance?
Anyway, everything seems so much happier when there're thing to look forward to-
(1) Getting a haircut in a few minutes time. (Whether I'll still be happy after that is different story altogether.)
(2) Seeing my terrible twin Pepper!
(3) Watching carolling later at Conrad, on the 24th at the Esplanade and on the 25th at Shangri la. (Chengwei has many choir friends.)
(4) 23rd Dec 2005 is coming.
(5) Seeing the Us Columbi-ans, Brown-ians and Cornell-ians return!
Now, for the haircut...
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