Just discovered that Power 98 plays really nice remixes on Friday late nights! Ooo, makes me want to go clubbing, but there's neither time nor company. I've never been a frequent clubber, but I miss it, still. Sigh. But doesn't change the fact that the music on P98 really rocks now. Must always remind myself to listen to music while doing work so that I won't feel moody.
I attended the NUS Wind Symphony's Concert today. Lousy mood aside, I loved the repertoire. Looking at large numbers of people playing together always reminds me of how special music feels. Really, it almost moves me ot tears sometimes.
Now I really want to go home, so that I can play my piano. The week has been tiring in all senses of the word - emotionally, physically, mentally. So many things flooding my puny brain all at once, sigh, need to shoo some things away. I so need a break, hope the piano makes everything alright.
KC the Kpo Priest, I know you're reading! Kpo Kpo Kpo. (who ask you not to give me your project? ><) Anyway, thanks for not being pissed, I know you're very understanding one, haha. =)
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