It's okay being swarmed with tutorial questions - the worst that could happen is to fall asleep doing it, not know how to do some questions here and there, give up on them and simply await the next tutorial sesson, when you will copy the answer.
It's bad enough being swarmed with term papers.
But it can't be worst being swarmed with term papers which are completely open ended - 'You can write on any topic of interest, as long as it's relevant.' tsk tsk, I've spent a whole 5 hours browsing OM journals, and still have no idea what to write. Worst still, I just realized that after half the semester, I've no idea what OM is, so there goes the relevance part. It feels like I'm wasting time. Fatigue = 100. Time spent = 5 hours Work done = 0. Amount of work left = infinity (as long as I continue in this state, work will be infinite since it'll never be done.)
Oh, on top of that, every single one of my term papers are just as vague. And due in the same week. BAH.
=( Now this leaves me feeling very unhappy. And when I'm unhappy and stressed, I cannot breathe properly.
Recent events have left me with questions, empty resolves and more insecurity. In view of work, they've continually been pushed aside rather than pondered upon.
The only thing I feel like doing now is play random songs on the piano, but there's no piano. I'd run, but it's too hot. I'd swim, but I don't have the luxury of time. So how?
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