
Overestimating myself, I decided to run back to PGP through the flight of steps behind NUH instead of the usual (very long) and gentle slope.... I might as well have been crawling up. Worst, I thought I was going to collapse when I reached the top.
From now on, I shall walk up the steps to my room instead of taking the lift. (Only 4 floors.) And by the end of next semester, I shall be able to run up the same NUH steps - two steps at a time.
Can't wait for holidays. Run run run by the reservoir. Swim (disgusting fair!) Gym (because I need air-con). Shop (because I'm such a consumerist whore.)
Two years ago, I resolved to run a half marathon by the end of J2. But I'm lazy, unfit, full of inertia, unmotivated, lazy lazy lazy!
yes. I am disgustingly fair too. We need to go shopping to increase aggregate expenditure.
my goodness! u're fitter than the masses of us la! anyway i'm up for a tan too, bring me.
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