Did you say bridge?
It was Tim's last day of exams, so Ray, Tim, Xiaokai (these were the people who taught me how to play bridge one lazy Friday afternoon a few months ago) and I got together for a celebratory Bridge session. Bridge in my room until we were too hungry to think, bridge while waiting for dinner to forget the hunger, bridge after dinner until the restaurant closed, bridge in some random 'study corner' of some random void deck... I think my greatest moment of triump was when I managed to hide my identity as the 'chosen partner' until the very last hand, lol.
Must add that dinner (thai-style 'zi cha') was great, except that all the oil from the fried food made me feel so unhealthy. But it's okay, I just went running!
Oh, clubbing on Wednesday with the girls on Wednesday night was fun. Besides the novelty of finally making it to Dbl O/O Bar after being chased away twice (think the age limit's 20), the music was pretty good (all my favourite songs - Who's that Girl, Hips don't Lie, Superstar, Don't Phunk with my Heart, My Humps etcetc). Most significantly, I had the company of Ditzy, Joey and Linda (ex-pgp-neighbour, pgp-neighbour and Econs tutorial groupmate respectively). My poor back feels very abused though - crazy man who was already drunk the moment he stepped in kept touching my back, nice sweet lady accidentally burnt my back with her cigerette (nice because she was very apologetic and got me ice), random caucasian guy spilled beer on my back. Crazy man kept trying to dance with us and basically every other person (guys included)... ugh, complete spoiler for everyone who was trying to fend him off until he eventually got chased out by the bouncer. Really can't stand people who get sick drunk at clubs... well, if you've had too much to drink, fine, but if you know you start acting like a complete shameless moron when you're drunk, keep within your limits instead of spoiling the fun for others, thank you very much. At least there weren't wasted drunk girls around - I will never forget the time I saw this butch bouncer literally dragging some drunk girl by her arms out of the Zouk toilet; that's why I usually watch myself when I go clubbing.
Well, off to sleep, moving out of Pee Gee Pee tomorrow. What a hassle.
OM project group mate as well, i must add. LOL... had fun tat nite. Thanks gal...
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