<body> I sitting, look out upon, See, hear, and am silent.

14th May 1986

4th Year Undergraduate @ NUS Business School
NUS Health and Fitness Club
NUS Piano Ensemble
Loves purple, running and piano



Love Purple!

I Sit And Look Out
Walt Whitman.

I sit and look out upon all the sorrows of the world, and upon all oppression and shame;
I hear secret convulsive sobs from young men, at anguish with themselves, remorseful after deeds done;
I see, in low life, the mother misused by her children, dying, neglected, gaunt, desperate;
I see the wife misused by her husband--I see the treacherous seducer of young women;
I mark the ranklings of jealousy and unrequited love, attempted to be hid--I see these sights on the earth;
I see the workings of battle, pestilence, tyranny--I see martyrs and prisoners;
I observe a famine at sea--I observe the sailors casting lots who shall be kill'd, to preserve the lives of the rest;
I observe the slights and degradations cast by arrogant persons upon laborers, the poor, and upon negroes, and the like;
All these--All the meanness and agony without end, I sitting, look out upon,
See, hear, and am silent.




Lennel <3




Purple Kim


My Spouse is a Mouse in a Blouse in a House!
The Other Blog
Cheng Wei's Strange Poems
Business Week
Chengwei in New York City!
The Ivory League


Rendez-Vous Rehearsal 1
Rendez-Vous Rehearsal 2
Rendez-Vous- Potpourri Concert 2007
Mars The Bringer of War - Touch Concert 2008
Saturday Night Waltz - Images Concert 2006
Elegie - Touch Concert 2006
Gigue and Minuet - Dance Concert 2005
Chopin- Nocturne in E Major Op. 61
Grieg- Sonata in E 2nd Movement
Debussy- La Plus Que Lente


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      DESIGNER: ice angel

      Brushes: Fractured-Sanity.Org

      Tuesday, June 13, 2006


      While browsing through Topshop's not very interesting sale items today, Serene fished out a bag which read 'Lollipop' and said that it was rather cute, prompting me to declare her the 'TOPkid'.

      'I'm not kiddy... I just like the Lollipop...' says Serene.
      'They really mean the same thing.' say Darren and I.

      So now, Serene proclaims me the TOPpig. A very apt nickname, considering the fact that it's now 1am and I've just consumed a cup of cereal, 1 piece of biscuits (moooreeee biscuits pls) and am eating an orange. I really can't help it that I get hungry really easily...coupled with the fact that I'm easily cold... cold + hungry = I really need to eat.

      Watched X-Men with Ray and Tim last night, and it was surprisingly good. Having never been the comic sort of person, I've never read X-Men, but I really enjoyed it. The fact that Halle Barry is so hot helped a lot, obviously (haha). Just at the end of the show, Ray told us not to leave because he's friend said that there's something else after the credits.... so we waited and waited until there was no one left save this few people seated behind us... and waited and waited... and just as I said, 'Oh no, maybe this is part of Gotcha and we'll be caught on camera', 'Kodak Film' appeared on the credits. The supposed 'extra scene' lasted for a grand total of 3 seconds and was completely pointless. Right.

      Kai and I were supposed to go for a run yesterday morning, but the rain spoilt it all. That made 2 days without running, very very bad. But we ran today anyway! =) On the way back, I thought about how Kai said he never really minds travelling to meet friends (as long as friends give him allowance to be late)... and I felt bad that he came all the way from Pasir Panjang just to run under the hot sun with me and then have a drink. Knowing myself... I probably wouldn't go any further than Mac Ritchie, which is just 10 minutes away. TOPpig indeed.

      Afternoon was spent admist the Great Singapore Sale with Serene/Lynn/Darren.... and I'm proud to say that I DID NOT BUY ANYTHING. Well, I bought jeans yesterday, put off buying a jacket from Taka because mum called to say she had 200 dollars worth of Taka vouchers, refused to buy a thing from Isetan because I forgot to bring my vouchers, almost bought a shirt from Zara (thank goodness Darren and Serene said it was only 'not bad la, soso'), almost bought a T-Shirt from Taka (it was too big for me, whew)... I've been shopping so much that I actually feel relieved when I step into shops and nothing catches my fancy, or it's WAY too expensive, doesn't have my size, doesn't look good on me... I come out thinking, 'Whew, yay, never spend money.' I need every shopping experience to be like today until the GSS ends.

      Dinner was at Sakae Sushi, and Japanese food always works with me.

      Much as I love Jap food, I love hanging out with Ray and Tim, the friends I made in the Beijing trip (Darren/Lynn/Visha), Serene ... there are times when I feel that I'm just never at home enough. During the semester, I always envisioned my holidays to be spent lazing at home, reading, watching dvds, pointless soap operas on Channel 8, running at six p.m before having a yummy, wholesome homecooked dinner... but it's not quite like that. These days, I'm perpetually not at home - the precious days when I don't have to drag myself to work, I want to meet up with friends, go out... either way, I eat out, reach home close to midnight (miss all the tv shows), feel really bad about making so much noise when my maid is sleeping, run at midnight, never get to play the piano, surf the net, don't have time to read... sleep late, wake up late the next morning, only to go out to work/meet friends again the next day. While I was disappointed that I didn't manage to run yesterday morning... it was a pleasant morning, if only for awhile. I was at home, reading The Sunday Times, drinking coffee... just slacking, in my own home. And then I rushed out again and got home late.

      These days it feels like I treat my own home like a hotel. When I lived in Pgp, I was never at home and on weekends, I always had to rush back to Pgp. Now, come summer vacation, I live at home...but I still miss being at home, and I mean, really being at home.

      I contemplated not working for an entire week just to be at home, but somehow, I always wind up feeling that I might as well just go to work and earn more money (sometimes I wonder, 'for what', when all I do is spend)... and there're always friends I want to hang out with, catch up with, have fun with. Sigh. Mum says we should go out shopping on Wed if she doesn't have to work. I really hope so. And I resolve to be at home on Sunday, at least in the evening, for dinner with everyone.

      The only thing I feel like doing right now is watch Da Vinci Code or read my book, but I've to go to work tomorrow. :(


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