As a comparison, the amount of clothes stuffed into the puny wardrobe in my hostel room... to get a more accurate picture, take the number of hangers, multiply it by 2 0r 3... I've not enough hangers, so I hang 2 jeans on one hanger, 2 skirts on one hanger, 2 shirts and one jacket on one hanger, 2 shirts on one hanger (one folded across inside, one outside)... And that big brown thing in the middle... my new jacket I conveniently picked up on the way to work today! There goes yesterday's pay...but I am extremely pleased with it! =) Zara count: Countless - Unable to determine from either picture or memory.
My Spageddies uniform hanging on my door...Zara count: 0. (Amount of Spageddies pay that went to Zara: impossible to determine)
The clothes hanging outside my wardrobe... Zara count: 1 (only 1! Yes, it's that stripey thing...which I really like...thanks to Aimee who picked it out)
The clothes I can even be bothered to keep nicely.... Zara count: 0! (Of course I keep my Zara clothes nicely!)
The number of shoes under my bed...Zara count: 0 again! (I don't buy Zara shoes.)
Remaining clothes stuffed into the tiny drawer... Zara count: I'm too lazy to do a check, so based on what I can see from this shot- 3. Oh, I forgot to take a picture of my earrings, but that's probably too obscene. For a conservative estimate, take number of clothes seen x 10. No pictures of my bags too... number of shoes x 2. Impossible to take pictures of clothes at home... take number of clothes seen x 4.
But hey! I'm pretty low maintainence... I'm the only girl I know who doesn't mind spending 12 bucks to cut my hair at the neighbourhood hair salon. And I've never rebonded my hair, never permed it...=)
What happened to reading my Econs Textbook? But talking to Aimee (whom I really miss seeing at work) and doing silly things provides much more entertainment!
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