Back, and off again
And I'm going to Vietnam tomorrow. No exclammation mark because I'm currently too tired to even be that excited. I'll just try to enjoy myself.
Today, I made a confession- I've never dared to be honest (what irony) about it to anyone whom I know would be so surprised. The skeleton is now out of the closet. I feel both relief,
and horror. It's all so confusing. If only I could rest for awhile.
I am abit anxious about Vietnam for various reasons, but I'll try to face those fears. When I'm back, it'd be almost Christmas. Hopefully I'd be able to sort a few things out.
For one, stop procrastinating and learn Mars (my next lame performance peace which I don't even dare to play too much at home for fear that the neighbours would think I can't read notes).
Figure out what to do for Christmas (for once, I dread it), write a few special cards. Buy one good present. Go for the Sushi Tei walk. (purpleness!)
Then think about what I want for the New Year, how ready I am to handle stuff, and how I wish to handle them. I don't kow how, but 2009 better be better.
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