Love thy body
Kim Kim
My T-shirt! So sad that I can't keep it.
RyanRyan and MeMe finished our T-shirts early, so he dragged me up to the Block 4 Level 8 foodcourt. I declare the button mushrooms in their cheese baked fish fillet the NICEST, ever. I had a craving for green apples, but it was sold out everywhere!
We then trooped off to Vivocity, where poor RyanRyan had to wait for me pick and choose clothes for Friday's concert... before we decided to chill at Pacific Coffee - i.e. the place with the most bitter coffee, ever. That was where the mad rush began, when I realized I had some short essay due in about 1.5 hours, but I did crap it out on time. Was about to catch a nap when Jiayuan Jiayuan arrived... what ensued was probably his most memorable moment of the day, involving brilliant flashes of light above my head. Don't ask him for details.
Being the saner one, my favourite part of the day was dinner at Sushi Tei! Miss it so much. Mouse- we must go there soon.
Strangely, I found myself smiling to myself as I went for a short run today.
I signed the Body Peace Treaty with RyanRyan today. I don't think I treat my body particularly well, but I probably can start by vowing to give it at least 7 hours of 'lying-down-time' and 6 hours of quality sleep a day. Time to apply the great sleeping formula -
Time I have to be somewhere by - 7 hours sleeping time - 1 hour changing time = Time to wake up.
Happy Snappy day, but there's work to be done!
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