Rediscovered Sport
Jy and I later cycled down from ECP to Changi Beach, and I have to say, the route was good, especially in the cool air of the morning. I loved the straight road through the trees, and the road leading towards Changi Airport... looking at the airport gives me a strange sense of wonder, looking at the glimmering lights of the place we are oh-so-proud off, and especially hearing the sounds of planes landing now and then. Looked so cool just as daylight was creeping in as they flew close to the ground!
And we ran into other cyclists occassionally. And I found myself really wishing I actually had the time to go cycle/run at ECP once a week... just to spend sometime alone and enjoy the place. Maybe if I can convince my parents to let me have full ownership of the van every Sunday, then I can go cycling, head to church, then piano. (opps, I forgot that distractions like readings, tutorials and essays exist.
But really. I wish I could make time for certain things, no matter what. I've always believed that it's important to have a passion for something - something you'd make time for no matter how busy you are, how much work there is... because it's going to be there for you, for life. Something you could do by yourself if there was no one in the world. I think, that's what makes you different, admist all the grades, money and conventional achievements that we chase after. There're things I enjoy doing, but I'm not there yet.
Kim, let's go cycling at East Coast one morning. We'll probably laugh all the way down the boring never ending straight road. =)
Piano lesson was really enjoyable today. I feel like I'm learning so much and I've so much to learn. And Mr Ku let me choose the next piece I'm going to play - and it's Beethoven! Long time since I've played Beethoven, one of my favourite composers. But I've got about 27 more days before Mars is out of the way. Beneath the dissonant shit, I must say there's actually quite a lot to that piece. Which unfortuntaely, does not have a good harmony to complement it.
Now I need to sleep again.
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