It's over and I'm tired, but more relieved then anything.

Fiona, the nice hairstylist who helped me out with my hair (needed the right side pinned up.)

I think more people said 'nice hair' then 'nice music' to me. According to Kim, one of my family members exclaimed, 'HER HAIR' as I walked onto the stage.

And I convinced Linli to style her hair for the first time in her life. It looks great and it suits us, if only she'd believe it herself!

More hair action.

'Cheng Wei, I'm going to KILL you.'

'Okay la. You nearly gave me a heart attack on stage, but it turned out pretty well. You're pardoned.'


So happy to have my beloved ex-piano teacher come. This woman put up with a whole lot of shit and attitude problem from me. She said I've improved from the last time she watched me. =)

Erwin (whom I learnt my 'HEEHEE' from), and Tong Tong, New York City folks!

Beijing gang reunion + Gabriel.
The first time I looked at Mars and saw it on YouTube, I thought it's something I'd eventually have to give up on and never survive. (But then again. I tend to think that of every new score I see unless it's uber duber easy peasy.) well, it's done, and I've had enough of warring for now.
And my partner and I agreed it's a satisfying piece to perform. And I was told that it was a stark difference from the rest of the evening's repertoire - so if it didn't make people smile, at least it made them sit up!
I have seen seen quite a bit lately, things that have disappointed my faith in amicable relationships and pleasant interaction. I have always treated public and personal issues as separate, as much as I can. And believed that differences were a reflection of different individual philosophies, and that what matters, at the end, is the heart we have for one another.
That beneath the veneer of serious formality (which may be necessary), there's respect, and great love.
Unfortunately, it's getting hard to hold on to the same (naive) faith. I've tried so long to believe that all that was necessary, that it'd get better, but it only spiralled into a mess of confused tension, and stress. And I wonder if I could ever truly look at things the same way again, and see the heart in everyone.
Or maybe, we were really made to operate differently.
'Greatness is not found in posessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service and character.' - William Arthur Ward
Goodness and humility indeed.
But I've a more immediate problem on hand now - I've piano class in approximately 26 hours and 35 minutes, and I haven't played a thing besides Mars in two weeks.
so babe, what was it about the united airlines advert? I still haven't figured it out.. hehe my ears are probably not sharp enough :P
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