(Except I've struck an agreement not to whine from now until next Friday.)
More than ever, I think it's just best to accept that this is just a glimpse of the real world. We all operate differently, some warm, some cold, some people you just strike an amazing chemistry with, some people whom you know can never be more than an acquaintance (through no fault of either party).
I was really upset by the turn of events. To me, at least, it was all so ugly. And cynicism threatened to overtake and leave me questioning everything, everyone. But I'll get over it -
For I've decided, I can't change anyting. And perhaps I don't have that right. In times like this, I can only live by my own principles, and be true to myself.
We all like to think we're right, and I can't help but think I'm right when I say this -
Pride and vanity, untempered, can be so destructive.
I dread to think of the day it'll explode. My heart hurts for you. Don't you see? I wish you would see, and hear. Step out of the shell, and look-
It's a pity that things have come to such an end. But I still hold you dear.
This I will remember.
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