The Nolstagia...
I needed some quieter music, and played an old recording - "Voice 006" it was called, for I never took the effort to give it its proper name. For the first time, I noticed that the music was almost perfect, to my amateur ears. Behind the precision, I had visions of the chemistry, repeated tries at getting it right - and the laughter shared between new acquaintances. I had always liked, and missed that piece of music.
The nolstagia was bittersweet. And as I walked, I mentally wrote a blog post about how things feel slightly different. The apparant perfection lost admist our own struggles. How we all change, things change, but some things, some people, you'd still hold dear, no matter what. Always choose (and want) to see the best in.
I was going to write about fond memories, and that tinge of sadness, regret. Possibly more, but I can't remember now-
Because I received a piece of unexpected news today. And I realized-
The nolstagia, is now permanant.
But the show must go on, and I choose to keep, only the best memories.
Which, frankly, isn't that hard, for it was a beautiful partnership in my humble eyes.
For once, I'd like to shed a tear over something other than that which haunts me everyday. But just as it has been over the past couple of months, the tears could never flow. I can only cry in my heart.
I am very tired, and I shall retire to bed before everything snowballs. I don't expect to fall right asleep.
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