If one day, I was left all alone. I think I'd spend my days-

running and looking at trees,

practising and listening to music.
I guess I'm lucky there're things I can enjoy doing alone. For I can be a very private person at times.
It was so hard to resist a long long long run today. But I did.
Running and I have had a tumultuous and stormy relationship. We're currently rekindling our passion for one another, and I find it so hard to explain why I love him so, and am able to feel so deeply for him. Certainly, he takes me to very beautiful places.
"I always loved running... it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs."
Jesse Owens
I haven't exactly been the most dependable lover to piano. I treated him with scorn, often casting his love letters aside. Oh he touched my heart, but eventually, I left him so. And still, he waited, ever so patiently, appearing every now and then, when I needed someone most. I've since returned to his arms, and I don't think I'd ever leave him again.
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