The problem with studying in a rush is- you're rushing. So much so that when you chance upon something that really piques your interest, that you'd really like to sit down and give some thought to, you just force yourself to rush through it. Unfortunately, without the need to study in a rush, I don't think I'd study very much at all. The ironies of life.
I made a long overdue trip to the doctor today. She looked like she couldn't believe I took two weeks to get there. And gave me certain medication, which I don't think I can bring myself to 'consume'.
Love can be difficult. As NicNic said, otherwise, we wouldn't say love is patient, love is kind, love is forgiving. It's when you realize you'd have to try to do the right thing, even when you the heart feels soft. Seeming harsh words or actions, but only because you care. But who am I to say, that I'm always right? Besides, I must have been a source of frustration myself. Love is giving, love is unconditional. I know of some, aside from my parents, who have have been pateint, kind, forgiving, giving and unconditional with me. For that, I am thankful. And I love you.
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