One Down!
Business History went okay. Felt like I was being incredibly general in all my answers, but oh well. I really need to find a way to grip less tightly on the pen; my finger is blistered again! Horrible memories of the A Level History paper, when I wrote til my fingers had so many blisters that I could barely write my name on my papers at the end, and the invigilator just stared impatiently. Just as I was about to leave early, it was announced that we had 15 minutes left and no one was to leave the hall. (!!!) So I made up more things about MNCs and cosmetic companies to write about.
So I celebrated the end of my first paper (and predictably, fourth last exam in my entire university life) by... heading to the gym. I think I'm becomming an exercise addict again. After some weights, I went on the threadmill. Half an hour, not enough.Ten more minutes. Not enough. So I ran out of the gym, ran past central library, to the track, back up YIH, and then for the sake of it, up the central library slope once more before I forced myself to go back to the gym. I saw people the the Central library busstop giving me the 'WTH' look. The moment I stopped and embraced the cool air of the gym, I was on such an adrenaline high that I was so tempted to jump onto the threadmill again, and settled for crunches on the gym ball instead. Ugh. I literally had to pull myself out of that place and force myself to sit down at the library with nicnic to get back to the books!
Must be exam stress! Can't wait to go home and play a bit of piano tomorrow. I miss my Grieg. Am listening to Yoyoma and the Slavonic Dances now. Nice. I've been steering clear of the German Greats lately.
To whoever would understand, I have extremely great news to share- I got through the ENTIRE reading week completely sane! No Bee, and no Pee! It's almost impossible to believe. Not even last night, or this morning, while being so stressed up over the impending paper. There've been moments of (mild) temptations, but even those were so rare. In fact, I have thought about it so LITTLE that it only just occurred to me that I have lasted the whole week!
Lately, I really do feel like I've made yet another leap forward. But we'll see.
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