I started out with tears in my eyes, threatening to burst out in hurt and anger. As I ran through the slopes and trees once again, my mind cleared up. And I saw that Nic was right, there's no reason why I should be suffering alone, and doing this to myself. Besides, I've been through worst- it was a different kind of pain, but so much more painful. I didn't live through all that just to crumble at the next thing, did I? What's done is done, but time will heal. It won't go away now, but it will in time, as long as I let it.
It's back, I can feel it. That sense of peace, and calm when I'm running alone, at my own pace. Something that's a part of me, rather than a rule of the game. As I ran, I looked at the trees, and listened to the buzzing sounds of the insects... and I saw that I've been running all this while, but it has been a long time since I've truly ran for the sheer pleasure it can bring to my day. (aside from the times I run with friends, which has always been enjoyable).
I am stronger than this.
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