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Post Exams
This is from the night BanBan and I ended exams together and I brought him to Sushi Tei for his first dose of Japanese food! He's aim is to master the art of using the chopsticks before he leaves Singapore.
And NicNic finished yesterday, so off we went to hang out at Holland V. Lazed about at Essential Brew over a late lunch. Totally left the waitress weirded out with our 'like, TOTALLY', 'Oh my GAWD', 'its so stewpid', 'whatever'- all in bimbotic voices. (Nic felt ridiculous ordering a cup of 'rosebuds) before doing random things...
I've been testing out my photo editing skills! This is the best I can salvage of the blur photo.
We went to the Pet Lovers Centre... and there were three baby corgis. OMG SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE. We were squealing and squealing and squealing at them. I only have pictures of two of them... the one with both ears standing up is a girl, very hyperactive. The one with just one ear standing up (the other will stand eventually is a boy!) and it's SO SO SO adorably shy! I want to buy a little corgi to accompany my Lady! The lady let me hold the male one for awhile, and he was just so adorable. There were a few chi wa wa (is that how you spell it), but we both thought those things are pathetic excuses for a dog. Yuck.
And then, we spotted the FUNNIEST banner next to the mosque at Holland Village! Nic looks like he's making a feeble attempt to shelter himself from imaginary rain.
And more stupid signs. The one on the left says Weak in Science?-Help is on hand.
Doesn't mousemouse look cool here? She accompanied me to the salon today for a long overdue haircut, where I got my hair back to a more regular colour for work. It's so dark now that I'm not used to it. I look... freakingly decent.
After what seems like AGES, mouse and I finally had a stayover last night at her place. According to her, in the middle of the night, just as she was about to go to the loo, I mumbled, 'mouse mouse where are you?' She said 'I'm here I'm here' but I refused to shut up, then she remembered that I sleep talk and went to toilet. And when she came back, I said, 'MARCUS NICHOLAS.' What in the world.
I went to collect the most retarded essay I've written in my life. I didn't do that badly, but mouse and I decided to tear it up together for fun anyway. We want to work as paper shredders!
This is JONAS Goh Jia Yuan, Miss, who requested to be featured on my blog. He asked me to buy MnMs Chocolate Milk (flavour), and being so cleBer, I bought MnMs nuts and Chocolate milk. (s)He thinks it's funny.
Stupid Jiayuan. Good luck for last paper tomorrow.
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