A typical scenario is as such- one reaches home, exhuasted from sitting down for a good ten hours in front of a computer at the office, and does everything else, watch TV, read, chat online, do the chores, surf the net, but rest. That's fine, but often, it drags on til way past bedtime, and the horror of sleep depivation and caffeine addiction repeats itself the next day. Why?
My reason - I want to do too many things. Dedicate myself to training for the half marathon, practising piano, and then keeping up an online social life by staying on msn til late hours. If I just rest, it always feels like I've no life- all time has gone to working, and I haven't accomplished anything outside it.
And I do know of many people who feel the exact same way. But actually, rest, is one of the best things one could do. Rest, and peaceful slumber - something we yearn for all the time, but strangely difficult to relent to when we have finally have that chance.
But yesterday, out of sheer exhuastion (it was only Monday and I was barely surviving work!), I succumbed to sleep. No, succumbed makes it sound like a bad thing - I did the sensible thing and let myself rest. I went home, took a half an hour nap, practised for 1.5 hours, and then... I WENT TO BE AT 10:30pm!
I was half convinced I wouldn't be able to fall asleep that early but everytime any thought intruded into my head, I shooed it out, and told myself 'this is not the time to be thinking about anything.' And I had a great snooze til 7am.
I feel so much better today (then again, it's only 10:40am, who knows what may come after lunch). Managed to squeeze in a run before work even. And read my book on the way to work because my head wasn't heavy from semi caffeine withdrawal and fatigue... as I sipped the iced coffee which my brother prepared for me. Nice-ness.
I have said this so many times - but I should just discipline myself to, JUST SLEEP. The plan for today, go back after work, take dinner, practise, and then hit the sack.
And personally, I felt that I practised well yesterday, even though it was just a short 1.5 hours. Probably because I let myself rest first. The Gershwin seems to be coming together, slowly, but surely.
Oh, I just received a great piece of news. A rather good friend from Business School made it into the Dean's List this semester! A semester before he graduates, his efforts have paid off, and I couldn't feel happier for him. I feel happy when people whom I believe have a good character, right attitude, and put in the effort, do well. Not that the end result, or chasing the Dean should be the primary focus, but it's nice to know that deserving people are rewarded sometimes. That's why I always hope hard for my truly deserving friends, that they do well, even better than me, that they don't get discouraged. Yay, I'm really so happy for my friend! =) =) =)
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