'You must learn how to relax your face'
Just this weekend, my Dad just told me 'Cheng Wei, I think you have to learn to relax your face.' In my mind, I was going 'wtf', when he said, 'When you're doing your work, you look very fierce', and what he meant became clear to me very instantly. I do know that my look of concentration can be very, very scary and intense. Personally, I was stunned by how I looked playing the piano from videos (my face basically said, 'Slap me now.') And twice lately, while my colleague was explaning something to me, she stopped and said, 'You don't agree, you're frowning.' And I had to tell her, 'No, that's just my look of focus.' And Mr Ku always tells me during lessons, 'You don't have to purse your lips while playing difficult parts.'
(Even as I'm typing this, I am aware that I do look very scary).
Once again, I feel like I've regained control over my life. Today, I managed to wake up early (finally!) for my short wake-up run, before settling down to practise a bit of piano before work. And it was a good start to the day - I've been relearning Beethoven for the longest time ever, slow work, hands separately and all... finally, I'm seeing some fruits. The piano really gives me so much sanity.
One week on, my name-doodling still persists! It's really fun.

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