Me and my CCF in Beijing Day 11
3. She starts wearing hairbands in spite of looking 'toot'.
I went shopping at the hypermart near my place, and managed to get some stuff. Maybelline lip gloss is really cheap over here. And I got my Dad's gift, and stuff for Kebs. Yay, happy, excited to give. =)
It was REALLY HOT today, hot and thankfully dry, or I would have been drenched in sweat from walking non-stop. I felt like I was running a fever, and was half blinded by the sun. I checked out the China World Trade Centre and its shopping mall on the way - very high end brands, people who actually shop there are very rich, and I felt so out of my place in my polo and birks. Nevertheless, I found Mango and bought myself a dress, which I like very much; it's been a long time since I've put on something and really liked it and believed I look good, ahahah.
Speaking of Mango. I saw a caucasian man outside the changing room - tall, old, but rather suave, kind of like Richard Gere. I kept hearing him talk to someone in the changing room and naturally, I asummed it was his wife. When she finally came out, it was clear she was a prostitute. He bought her clothes worth 2600 RMB. I felt kind of grossed out by that - I could not help but belittle the both of them, and think about how the whole situation disgusts me. Though it did strike me that I might never know how it is like to be struggling each day, and turning to indecent jobs to make quick money. She might have her reasons, but still, it irks me. The man? Even more gross.
I took the longest subway ride ever to wu3 dao4 kou3, followed by a 40min walk to Beijing University, which nearly killed me because the heat seemed to have gotten worst. I got distracted by shops long the way and ended up walking into one of their local 'giordano-equivalents' and picked out 6 shirts, 5 of which are for guys, haha. I had foolishly added to my burden of walking to the university! Nevertheless, good deal, and I'm really happy that I got my brothers some shirts which are very cool, imho. Some for friends, and one for Johnny, since he has been so kind to me!
I've been to Beijing University for Summer School, but it was still nice to see the campus again. It's truly a cultural icon in its own way - it has some modern buildings, but very Chinese in its scenery, and some old blocks. I most admired the wei4 ming2 hu2 (yet-to-be-named-lake, which has been unnamed since the university opened til now, I think) and had a good time walking around with Johnny's company.
Johnny had to leave for a birthday dinner with Bryna, whom I happen to know through common friends in Nanyang. On the way out, I passed by the canteens I used to eat at, and decided to have dao1 xue1 mian4 myself (knife-sliced-noodles). This was one of my favourite local dishes the last time I came, and it was so good I ate the whole bowl.
Oh, I had the WORST toilet experience ever in one of the university toilets. Beijing's toilets have generally improved massively; in fact, they're now so 'normal' that I havent really had any that made me cringe in discomfort. Today was HORRIBLE though, far worst than any toilet I've been into in my life. And I don't say this because I'm a spoilt clean freak - I've used many poor toilets before in my trips to different parts of China, even without doors, and have endured it when I have no choice. However, THIS TOILET -
I really needed to go, so I reluctantly entered, and realized it had no light and was so dark. After feeling my way about a little, I discovered no door. FINE. No one else, just get it over and done with. It was one of those squatting toilets - and halfway, my feet and hands felt wet and I was wondering what was happening; I thought it might have been the wet tissues that I was holding tightly, and therefore squeezing all the water out. Awhile later, I discovered, the toilet bowl was OVERFLOWING, but I didn't notice it because of the dark. Overflowing with all the waste of many many people, which probably has been there for god-knows-how-long. I was so DISGUTED and traumatized by that discovery that I could have just screamed and broke into tears right there and then. I can't describe it enough; it was just AWFUL, knowing how much contaminated gross shit was on my feet and hands.
I left without flushing, for I was worried of more overflowing. And with tears brimming. I think I cleaned my hands so many times with my wet tissues that the cashier thought I was crazy. I just wanted to get home immediately and bathe a million times! And my birks - they cost a 100+ but I was actually considering just dumping it.
Still, I decided not to give in to temptation and rush back in a cab, and survived the two-hour journey home by public transport. In fact, I managed to get over my trauma, until I got into the shower, and bathed about 4 times, until I felt satisfied.
GROSS. GROSS. GROSS. That was EXTREME. Feel like washing my hands again.
Horrible incident aside, I went to explore hou4 hai3 (back of the sea, whatever that means), which is known for it's night life. It's a Chinese clark quay - loads of pubs and restaurants, brightly lit, by a long river. However, it was surrounded by willows, and were actually Chinese shophouses transformed. Very quaint in a ery different sort of way. Hopped into a club which seemed popular (not that there are many there in the first place). My first time dancing since New York! I didn't dance very much, but had a lovely time. I think I shall leave the details out. So cryptic, LOL.
We then took a walk by the river and I admired the brightly lit pubs from across. Nice. =)
Ironically, I had a safe night at the nightspot, but ran into an old lecher the moment I got back to the hotel. This man on the way to his room (probably just came to his spa), helped me to press the button for the glass door to the lift lobby to be unlocked. I thought it was nice of him, until I stepped through, and saw a naked man asking me to follow him to his room, in a tone that suggested it was the most naturally thing to do. I ignore him, and as I waited for the lift, he popped out again, calling me once more. Thankfully, the lift came straight after and that was the end of the bad encounter. GROSS.
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