Linda and I
Shamelessly, again, La Plus Que Lente. This is the video version.
Yesterday afternoon, I met up with SHERYL LOKE (Shloke) after one year. We were chatting at New York New York, saying 'okay, so much to update, you have to say one thing, then I say one' when the waitress asked if she could join in, heehee. I told her the last time we met was in new York City. (Now I think of it, its partially untrue, but well, close enough!) I haven't seen Sheryl Loke for the longest time ever, and she is still the same, all bubbly and laugh-y (not giggly coz we LAUGH) and all. Yay, she's back for the next couple fo years.
I met Linda for dinner, at New York New York AGAIN. We caught up on life, mainly her work, and my private life over clam chowder and alfredo pasta (that was good!) and it was great. I just like Linda and the way she is. And I'm glad she seemed to like the presents I bought her from Beijing. She's the person I bought the 3rd-most things for coz I kept seeing things which I felt she'd buy herself. (The winner of the most number of presents from me is Miss Kim Lian Rolles!)
I've been very tired these days. By 9 pm last night, I was already tired and ready to go home, and I mean, physically exhuasted. What's wrong with me! I hate going out sometimes... and today's yet another day out, with Jingyi and Chris for lunch, appointmentappointment, and then seeing hohoho CheongCheong for dinner. I've a present which I absolutely can't wait to give him (before I keep it for myself)
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