Meow is my sheepish sound. I meow with a sheepish look.
Discipline, discipline and more discipline. I'm always striving for it, but always lacking. Which piano lesson once again reminded me off today. Discipline in practise regime, discipline in doing the things I set out to do each day, discipline in handling my personal life. What can I do, but keep trying.

Discipline to do the long run every saturday! Anyway, isn't this nice. Its the view at upper pierce reservor when you finally overcome the slopes on the long road in, and actually see the water. So in awhile, I'll be running there again. Maybe I should just do the reservoir twice today. Instead of going to Bishan Park.
I really meant to blog about this, but didn't have time. I lately discovered that Howl at the Moon has opened in Singapore! Dragged poor Sooty (well, it's not my fault that he refused to make a choice as to which movie to watch and thus, gave up his freedom of choice) to check it out on Tuesday evening. I was really surprised to see two pianos there! Duo piano rock and roll. I would say it's not bad, especially if there is a sizable crowd that is suitably drunk (it was bare on tuesday night), and even more so if you love the type of music they do. Not my type, but still, I'm biased towards pianos. Anyone wants to go with me again? Preferably on a more exciting night.
So much work to do, especially CONSULTING PRACTICUM, which is due on wed. Sighness. Then again, it's the last lap. I regret all the times I slacked.
Concurrently - internship work, practising Jupiter and a million other things (supposed to play for some Japanese bank's new year party on behalf of biz school), spending time to work on my technique at the piano (like, REALLY do it patiently), thesis (!!!ahh!!!)...
And of course run and gym like there's no tomorrow. Maybe it's a good thing my friends are away, don't need to spend time catching up, haha. But I miss them all...cheongcheong, and mr goh, come back already!
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