Went down to esplanade library yesterday afternoon to support friends and nuspe-ians involved in the Game Music Fringe. They were having a roadshow to promote the event...it was very enjoyable! In fact, I liked it more than I expecetd (because I'm a complete game music idiot). That's the whole crew in the picture and I'm the odd one out because-
1. I'm sitting on a chair, ever so empress-ly. haha
2. I'm the only one there not actually involved in the event.
We went to the National Museum before that. And this really old-school ovaltine tin really amused me, don't know why. There's an interior design free exhibition going on to, good stuff! Too bad Lennel and I were in a rush to go to the esplanade so we just brisked walked through stuff.
And we saw a poor little boy crying so loudly in the middle of the museum that we were convinced he must have lost his parents. Turns out that he lost his schoolbag, which happened to be right in front of us, heh.
Muffin! Lennel's spoilt doggy, and now my dog...he looks very indignant whenever people leave the house.
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