Saturday, September 30, 2006
Mid-Semester Break
Now I realize, having people around you... is one of the most important things you could ever have.
I can't believe it's Friday (Saturday) actually... mid-semester break has practically ended, and there're a million things I haven't done. The past week has been one of self-discovery... being stuck in hostel with barely no one around - which is the case most of the time, but in normal days, you go for lessons, meet friends, do things and look forward to home over the weekend. Last night, I screwed up majorly and scared the hell out of myself (note: in case I sound like it, nah, I did not attempt to jump off the window, or anything remotely close to that.) Thank goodness Visha was around... she came over, we 'talked cock' until 4am... and I felt so much better. Woke up looking and feeling like absolute crap the whole day, but I managed to force myself through the long day, came back, made myself do work (while watching TV!), then went for a run with Visha... until now, but at least I'm refreshed. Really wouldn't have recovered so quickly if Visha wasn't around. After I shower, it's going to be a new start. Sigh, I've wasted so much time from yesterday, back to work!
I swear I'll make up for all the lost time from now until tomorrow, rush my work, do my laundry, clean my room and do all things I normally do... and look forward to my mum picking me back and (hopefully) having dinner together in the evening. =)
The second half of the semester is going to be absolutely crazy. Shall look foward to shopping, watching movies, going to town, eating mooncakes... god knows when. Off to shower!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Daddy's Birthday
We celebrated my Dad's 50th on Sunday, and we realized that he reached the '5' when I reached the '2' - exactly 30 years apart. And I already feel old at 20. I resolved to come home and do my work after meeting Sheryl in Raffles, until my mum called me to get the cake... In the end, I went over to Takashimaya to get a chocolate cake from Gauchy Rive. It was the one Darren bought for Serene's birthday... it did look heavenly, so I decided that it was worth making the trip (and consequently, not studying). Sigh, as usual, I couldn't eat the chocolate and just stared at everyone asking for second helpings. I didn't get to be in the family photo because I was the camera girl, so I took a picture with my Dad alone after that. Then my mum asked my brother to take a photo for herself, me and my Dad together...
...I think it's something to do with being the only daughter of the family, but taking this photograph reminded me of how very often I feel like an only child. Like when I'm travelling with my mum, or, for instance, the next photo...
me and my Dad in a restaurant in Paris, when my mum and I made a last minute decision to fly over to join him on his work trip (we booked the air tickets 30 hours before flying and subsequently squeezed into my Dad's tiny room.) I remember this night, because it was the only night my Dad had the time to have dinner with my mum and I. So nice to be the only girl. =) Not knowing what to buy, I randomly picked out rasberry tarts from Marks and Spencers for my Dad, even though he's terribly weight conscious. And I chanced upon the nicest card in Borders, so I wrote him a card. This morning, my Dad sent me back an e-mail which made me cry.
'Parents can only hold their children's hands for awhile, / But they hold their hearts forever.'
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday Night Ramblings
Home always means a few things - lots of nice homecooked food to eat ( I can't believe there're no mooncakes in my house yet, what a disappointment), a lot fo slacking since I'm too lazy to carry most of my work back, looking forward to running by the reservoir which almost never happens (I'll wake up tomorrow, I swear!) and... having a piano to play! Was practising Saturday Night Waltz just now... on a Saturday Night for once, haha. I've decided not to practise it myself anymore because it's a million times easier playing my part alone, and pointless. Despite never getting down to learning new songs, it's always so nice to play...the same thing over and over again, things I've been playing since the Sec 2 days when I was rushing for the Grade 8 exams... perfect way to waste time and not feel bad about slacking too. I was looking forward to work today, but it turned out pretty dreary... mostly because I was half an hour late and didn't have time to take lunch. I was so hungry that I could barely concentrate on writing down orders! I was quite freaked out when I kept asking the guests to repeat their orders becase I just couldn't concentrate... didn't know hunger could be that distracting. Sometimes we don't get breaks for the 12-6 shift...when Michelle told me to go for a 10 min break, I would have hugged her if I had any strength left. I dashed over to Bread Talk to grab some food and... I discovered that the Wasabi Pork Floss bun is here to stay (since Floss Festival is over and it's still there)!!!! *a million grins from ear to ear* I probably single handledly upped its popularity by eating as much as possible while the Floss Festival was on...yay, more pork floss buns for me tomorrow since I'm meeting Sheryl in town.
The most amazing thing happened to me after work today. I walked into 2 Zaras while waiting for my mum... and I couldn't find a thing to buy. Someone please recommend places to buy new skirts.
Had dinner out with my mum again today, just like last Saturday. At one of those little roadside Dim Sum stores along Thomson road... doesn't really matter where/what we eat, I just like eating with my mum these days. It's my Dad's birthday tomorrow...and we don't know what to buy, or where to eat. As usual.
My Econs tutor never fails to spring new surprises (and unleash the bitch in me) every Friday. Yesterday, her favourite student was presenting and -
Tutor: EXCELLENT answer, did you do it yourself?
Student: Our group did it...blahblahblahetcetcetc
Me: (thinking I was stupid) I don't understand, shouldn't it be blahblahblahetcetcetc?
Tutor: Oh sorry, the groups answer is incorrect compared to my answer sheet. I thought he (i.e. favourite student) was from Vietnam and is very strong in Math, so his answer would definitely be correct.
Honestly, she's obviously a really nice and sweet young little thing...but when it comes to her tutorials, she's driving me absolutely NUTS. I don't know why I even bother to attend since I feel more stupid than ever after each tutorial.
Yesterday, Mr Ku (our music director)- 'You're shrink each time I see you.'
Today, Gin (colleague)- 'You lost a lot of weight is it?' (I can't believe anyone can tell when I'm in that humongous spageddies striped sack)
Chef Andrew- 'You cut your hair like that, you look skinnier than ever.'
Michelle (manager who just returned)- 'Ni wei she me ze yang!'
Liza (maid at home) - 'Your complexion has improved (*yay*), and you lose weight again.'
ARGH, it's become so stressful hearing things like this everyday. I'm going to eat more mooncakes (just discovered 1 mooncake is an incredible 1000 calories, can't believe it.) the moment my mum buys them. And loads of wasibi pork floss buns in town tomorrow.
Off to sleep. Hope I wake up in time to run at the reservoir tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I can't decide whether I'm contented these days - On one hand, everything seems to hectic these days, rush from hostel to lectures, lectures to lunch, grabbing coffee from business before dashing to USP block, lectures to badminton, lectures to piano practise...and even hostel to home. And it seems like there's so much going on - preparing for Exxonmobil concert, Health and Fitness stuff, piano practice, tutorials, work, Inter-faculty badminton, trying to meet up with friends...rushrushrushrushrush. And so much coming up, 5 mid-terms, programming test, 3 projects, essays, probably a lot more Health and Fitness stuff, mapping modules and planning for exchange (which I've been putting off everyday)...and in two months time, 4 exams in 2 days.I feel so stressed when I take hours just to do any tutorial that requires Microsoft Excel, don't understand Econs Lectures, don't know how to do Econ's tutorials, can't understand Financial Accounting for nuts until I've attended lectures + read the textbook (which obviously doesn't happen much)... and today, when Bridge project was so unbelievably boring, when playing the Copland piece with my piano partner seemed so difficult- all the syncopations are driving me nuts, switch off for a split second, and I fall out of tune...feels like I'll never get it right. And yet, I feel good when I'm playing badminton with my good friends (Lynn + Serene), find work really fun, when I can actually attend NUSPE sessions on Friday... and being able to make time to run when the weather is cool is always refreshing/relaxing, when I meet an old friend while running at the track, run with a friend round the track on 2 breezy evenings at a go... I'm glad to see people around school, when I find time to sit down and read silly stuff like bimbotic, thrashy novels (very inane, but at least I don't have to use my brains), Shape Magazine (very interesting, as I recently discovered)... This afternoon, after a very sleepy bridge-building (yes, we've to build bridges out of ice-cream sticks.) session with my project mates, I came back, spent two hours doing work... feeling completely contented and happy because I was munching on English muffins, dipping them into a hot cup of Cafe Nova... and while being sick and tired of Copland, I was glad to see some NUSPE people come by, to have a friend help coach me with my playing... Everything feels completely great and messy, like a piece of cake and shit, all at the same time. Maybe what I need is 8 days a week, to throw in time to see my friends, to go shopping, wo watch movies... then I'll be able to say that I'm happy and jolly. They say a women's weight is a secret, but mine's definitely not. Since everyone likes to ask so much, here's the answer to every question-How tall are you? 1.74m (sometimes 1.75m)How heavy are you now? 55kgDid you lose 10 kg? NO. How much weight did you lose? around 2 or 3kg I think. How did you lose weight? If I knew, I'll co-write a book with QY so that we can get rich and quit school immediately.Do you exercise? Yes, I've exercised a lot all my life. Do you eat? Yes, breakfast, lunch, dinner, lots of fruits, lots of bread, horlicks before I sleep every night, lots of coffee, lots of teh bing, lots of pork floss buns (sigh, Bread Talk's Wasabi Pork Floss bun is gone), lots of paos from YIH because they're the best, lots of tau sar piah, lots of biscuits...and lots and lots of homecooked food when I go home every week.So what's the secret? erm...the only thing I can think of is, I stopped drinking so much Diet Coke? (Incidentally, I drink Diet Coke because I like its taste.) There goes! haha... off for my run!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Sports Ball 2006
Winston, my new funny friend.
05/06 Committee
The new HnF Boss Shuyi, who didn't let me stand up in this photo...
Cailing and Zhuzhen (really going to miss them!)
Old Comm + New Comm with our Best Indorr Sub-Club Plaque
If Sports Ball looked fun from the photos... well, it wasn't that fun. Maybe it's because I missed half of it... Winston and I, being equally un-streetsmart, street directory idiots got lost together with his big car, and no amount of directions from my mum could help us. Mostly my fault because I insisted I knew where was the Anson Road Exit, but apparantly, I remembered wrongly. Other than that, the Ballroom at Swissotel was puny and the food sucked. Not that I ever expect very much from buffet dinners anyway. Oh well, it was nice anyway, really glad to see some of the old committee members (who might as well be the only committee members actually..haha)...and most of the new committee made the effort to come...seems like a promising committee already, considering everyone's quite enthusiastic. And the girls - they' all seem so sweet.
Oh, and I must add that I'm pretty proud of my make-up. Considering that I rushed back from CFA after piano coaching, and somehow managed to bathe, change, tape my dress, put on make-up (twice, because the smoky eye shadow is such a mess to use), spray my hair which looks like it's growing durian thornes these days...all in thirty minutes!
Finally had time to go shopping with my mum yesterday night. Once we walked into Swatch at Heeren, we were as good as gone. Tried on a million watches...and eventually she settled for this cool gold thing with a black face (yay, fits me too.) I like my mum so much because she likes Swatch like I do! (and can afford to buy them.) If only she would fly over with me to NYC to settle everything before my exchange... we'd go crazy shopping from Changi Airport to NYC. Been trying so hard to convince her that it's worth flying 18 hours...actually, I just want us to have at much fun as possible while we're both still young.(well, young in different ways...haha)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Up and running
...finally, I'm almost well! Managed to go for short runs over the past two days... which feels so refreshing after being cooped up in my piggy stye of a room for so long. Yesterday was especially nice, because I was running at my favourite time, just before dinner! There's always something about running at six plus- the anticipation of a cool shower, than a nice hot dinner (well, that didn't exactly materialize) after that. Wanting to get away from all the cars, I took a detour to the track... and I met Judy! Decided to run an extra 5 rounds with her, so nice to talk and run with all the breeze. And I met Lynn on the way back too!I love the NUS track, it's always so nice and breezy in the evenings... except I rarely go there because it's quite slack running round and round. Sometimes, I see fellow runners around... familiar faces running round the campus, round the track, and I'm tempted to call out and say 'Heya do you run often?' ... but well, I don't want to embarrass myself. You want to know what I think? Here goes - If you tell me to do this, I'LL DO THAT. If you tell me to go this way, I'LL GO THAT WAY.If you tell me to not to wear short skirts, I'll wear my skirts 5 inches above my knees if it so pleases me. If you tell me that I'm too skinny, I say it's because you're too fat yourself. If you tell to go exercise, diet, lose weight together, I'll say I'd rather be fat. If you tell me I can do everything, I say it's because I'm not like you.
You did tell me I couldn't do it, so I made sure I did it. (but not for you, for myself and my dearest friend.)If you try to tell me what's good for me, I say, 'Who the hell are you to say?'If you try to force an opinion out of me, I say, 'It's none of your business'.If you try to say you care, I say I don't give a shit. If you say you're doing this for me, I say I do not need your help.If you say I'm rich, I say, 'Who are you to say?'If you say you're like me, I say I've never been so undeservedly insulted in my life. Now, if you say I sound so b*itchy, I say, 'Hey I complete agree with you for once!...but that's only because you're such a pain.'
Monday, September 11, 2006
Because I've nothing better to do...Part 2
As a comparison, the amount of clothes stuffed into the puny wardrobe in my hostel room... to get a more accurate picture, take the number of hangers, multiply it by 2 0r 3... I've not enough hangers, so I hang 2 jeans on one hanger, 2 skirts on one hanger, 2 shirts and one jacket on one hanger, 2 shirts on one hanger (one folded across inside, one outside)... And that big brown thing in the middle... my new jacket I conveniently picked up on the way to work today! There goes yesterday's pay...but I am extremely pleased with it! =) Zara count: Countless - Unable to determine from either picture or memory.
My Spageddies uniform hanging on my door...Zara count: 0. (Amount of Spageddies pay that went to Zara: impossible to determine)
The clothes hanging outside my wardrobe... Zara count: 1 (only 1! Yes, it's that stripey thing...which I really like...thanks to Aimee who picked it out)
The clothes I can even be bothered to keep nicely.... Zara count: 0! (Of course I keep my Zara clothes nicely!)
The number of shoes under my bed...Zara count: 0 again! (I don't buy Zara shoes.)
Remaining clothes stuffed into the tiny drawer... Zara count: I'm too lazy to do a check, so based on what I can see from this shot- 3. Oh, I forgot to take a picture of my earrings, but that's probably too obscene. For a conservative estimate, take number of clothes seen x 10. No pictures of my bags too... number of shoes x 2. Impossible to take pictures of clothes at home... take number of clothes seen x 4.
But hey! I'm pretty low maintainence... I'm the only girl I know who doesn't mind spending 12 bucks to cut my hair at the neighbourhood hair salon. And I've never rebonded my hair, never permed it...=)
What happened to reading my Econs Textbook? But talking to Aimee (whom I really miss seeing at work) and doing silly things provides much more entertainment!
Because I've nothing better to do...Part 1
My puny little fridge...and the punier amount of food left...
The number of textbooks and files in my hostel room, barely filling the tiny cabinet...(it's not that patheticactually...there're a few other books below the purple one.)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Cool site! - Check this out, blog til you shop! I find it rather cool... coz it happens to be about shopping! Talks about why people shop and all... Now I think of it, I'd probably like to write a research paper on the gratifications of shopping if any USP module allows it! Besides, I'm really in need of some real shopping now... my skirts don't fit me anymore and I basically look like I'm wearing my grandmother's clothes when I'm in them. And some of them are so new, whihc leaves me feeling so cheated. I made the cashier cry during work today and I really felt so bad about it. =( All started when I sent a bill to table 73, only to discover that whoever brought the credit card to the cashier brought it with the wrong bill. And then, someone else working at that station passed me 72's bill, telling me that the credit card probably belonged to 72. So when the cashier asked me if 72 was definitely the right one, I just said, 'yea, they said it belongs to 72.' And it turned out that 72 was still wrong, and the credit card belonged to 101... how on earth did anyone confuse 72 and 101 in the first place?!! After having to cancel and redo so many bills, the cashier just broke down... probably really stressed out, which is quite understandable since there're always so many bills flying around every Saturday and incredibly impatient the double blooper I made. Not that I actually knew better, but I still feel so guilty about making her so upset. Sigh, I always seem to have such bad luck with bills... just recently, I sent two bills to the wrong table, causing James to throw a huge amount of change into the tips box... and somehow, everyone knew it was my mistake but the manager somehow blew up at James. Sigh. I feel so bad, so so bad. I thought I could finish all my work before going to work today, but I ended up having a headache in the afternoon again and just slept the day away... and I was too lazy to carry my tutorials home, so I guess I've to rush them tomorrow night. At least I've discovered the perfect cure for headaches. I've been trying to avoid taking panadol the whole week because I was too lazy to queue to see the doctor at the Health and Wellness Centre and I didn't feel like spending money to buy them myself... today, Randy gave me some panadol during work and the headache was instantly gone! But I'm going to go nuts coughing, very soon.
Friday, September 08, 2006
I'm actually blogging because I'm too lazy to start catching up on my tutorials. It's been a week and I'm still sick... feels like I'm getting worse and worse again. After coughing from Monday to Wednesday, I started having terrible headaches yesterday... really felt like dying through UIT 2204 lesson, so I went to the students' lounge to sleep after that. For once, I couldn't really care less about how I looked. Just took off my shoes, cuddled up in one sofa, covered myself with my windbreaker and slept, in the most unglamourous way possible. When I finally got back to pee gee pee after dinner, I actually let myself go to bed at 10pm, hoping that I'll wake up all recovered... and I was still sick today. :( My head was throbbing all through Econs lecture (which was totally useless), so I came back and slept somemore... At least the headache's finally gone, for now. Perhaps it's all in the mind- I'm sick because I'm too lazy to do any work. I haven't done most of my tutorials, which will probably remain undone until next week...since I promised Steven I'll go to work tomorrow and Sunday... sigh, I agreed to work on Sunday only because I felt bad for not turning up last week. If I had the choice, I'd rather stay at home on Sunday, since it's the only day I get to eat with my family. :( I called my mum just now to whine about the headaches, and she kept saying that I should just stop working. Which is pretty true, except that... I don't seem to want to. Technically, it's a waste of time and it's not like I'm desperately in need of money in the first place. Besides, the pay is pathetic, and I spend it off at Zara on my way to work at Orchard.Which leaves one question - Why do I continue working? Truth is, I don't know. I could tell Steven that I simply have no time to help him, but I try to find time. Maybe I'm just too nice, so nice that I feel bad about not working when they're so short of people. Maybe whatever little bit I earn makes me feel less bad about throwing so much money into all my earrings, clothes, shoes, bags. Maybe I want to believe that I really can 'do everything', as Dingsheng commented today - study, play piano, run, shop, watch movies, work. Most of the time, I just think waitressing it quite fun, for no reason at all. When I go to NYC, I'll probably try to get a waitressing job, which I heard, it pretty lucrative in the states. I haven't been able to run for the whole week, which really leaves me feeling like a pig. Really hate it when I fall sick, stop running, lose all my stamina, than start huffing and puffing like I've never exercised in my whole life when I start again. The air has been pretty cool these days, can't wait until I'm well enough to go out and run.I thought my Econs tutor was nice, but I've changed my mind. It's bad enough that we get awarded marks for so-called 'class participation', which makes people ask stupid questions, make dumb remarks, post stuff in the forum which all really say the same thing, just phrased in different ways. To a certain extent, that's understandable - look, we have to find some way to deal with the fact that you lose 10% of grade if you really can't find very much to say in class. Fine, but the econs tutor does is so blatantly! I felt like I was in kindergarten today... answer a question correctly, she hands you the attendance list, and you literally put '1 mark' (or '2 marks' if you're a guy-she seems to like guys) next to your name. So it becomes akin to a game of 'the fastest hand raiser'. My poor project group... as if it wasn't bad enough that we had to do an impromptu class presentation because the tutor forgot to tell us that we were the first group behorehand (and she still had the nerve to tell us to hurry up while we were trying to figure out the answers to write on the board)... think we were all pretty traumatized by her handing over the attendance sheet to the fastest hand-raiser in class to put marks next to his name. Of course, we couldn't be bothered to join in the competition. Some people did ask pretty good questions... some answers to those would be helpful, but no, they didn't get to write '1 mark' because they did not provide any 'right answers' to their tutorial questions. Worst still, the tutor didn't bother to clarfy their doubts because they were not in the tutorial questions. This is really the most useless tutorial I've ever had in my life - I might as well just download the answers off the IVLE to read. We're undergraduates, but sometimes, it feels like we're being treated like kids.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
So many things to say

To my dearest friend Amanda, here's to you on your 20th! Ich liebst du! =)
Sometimes, I wonder how people manage to be so frank on their blogs, so honest, open, unfraid to write about anything. There're so many things I'd like to say, like-
Sometimes, I think that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'm so damn _ _ _ _ _ . But my _ _ _ remains a secret because I'd like to believe I'm more than just that. And then, today, _ thought _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ of _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I wish _ _ _ _ was more than _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
I seem to be getting more and more sick everyday, coughcoughcoughcoughcough. I was feeling horrible through MS lecture today and ended up sleeping at one of the benches through lunch because my head was so heavy. But miraculously, after playing the piano for close to two hours at CFA today, I stopped coughing for quite some time. Perhaps music is therapeatic after all. And I'm absolutely in love with my new concert piece, Saturday Night Waltz by Aaron Copland, can't wait to practise with Linli again tomorrow!
Sometimes, I think about how I've come to be happier in general. And then, I think, nothing has changed. Except myself, my attitude, my outlook.
And I fear, one day I'd wake up and realize, I've been kidding myself all along.
And give up.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Sick and Sleepless
I hope I've finally learnt my lesson. After eating one entire tube of Ritz Cheese Crackers on Monday (that's like... 15 pieces!) and nothing but an insane number of biscuits for dinner on Wednesday, I finally woke up on Saturday with a sore throat. For once, I was quite looking forward to working at Spageddies, but had to call in sick... Right now, I can't sleep because I'm coughing like nuts. If I cough anymore, I'll probably cough away a whole kilogram and my mum will really think there's something wrong with me. The world is never fair, like how it's really so unfair that I fall sick all the time. I'm one of the healthiest people I know. See-(1) I can't live without exercising.(2) I love eating fruits. (think I eat at least 2 fruits a day...and usually more.)(3) I don't take most soft drinks because I hate them. (4) I don't dare to eat chocolates because they give me sore throats all the time. (5) I even made the effort to wean off the Coke Light addiction!Fine, the unhealthy list-(1) I sleep late.(2) I like chilli.(3) I can eat a lot, and I mean, ALOT of biscuits. (4) I like to drink coffee (but hey, I try my best to take caffeine only once in two days now.)(5) I absolutely refuse to drink milk because it's...yucks. (6) I almost can't walk past Bread Talk without eating pork floss bun (think pork floss is quite heaty...)And it's always the throat! I hope I never reach a point when I have to stop eating chilli and, that's depressing! Anyway, I was so sick and bored today that I finally decided to play around with my blog layout. I'm rather amused, because just last night, I was looking at blogskins for fun... and this afternoon, Linda showed me a layout which she thought suited my blog.... and it turned out to be the exact one which I almost copied last night. I also found it really apt as it said 'summer time'... very ironically, I decided against using it because it was black...for someone who wears so much black, it's quite weird that having a black layout doesn't appeal to me huh. And I must mention, Amanda and I watched The Devil Wears Prada on Tues evening, and it totally rocked! Meryl Streep was simply hilarious. I've always thought she was quite a class of her own as an actress, but I think she outdid herself this time...even without a very substantial plot, the pretty clothes are enough to make the movie worth watching (for any girl, at the very least! =) ). Manda, I wish we could make every Tuesday movie day or something!And it was set in NYC... all those scenes showing the hustle and bustle of the jam-packed streets kept reminding me that I'll (most probably) be going there for half a year. Must have been the effects of having just attended SEP briefing. I might like to look at tall trees, enjoy running by the waters of the reservoir, miss Fraser Hill because its greenery gave me such a sense of peace, but I've never, ever, doubted that I'm really a city girl at heart. I know I'll always want to live where the streets are filled with people, where there're places to go to (especially for food) 24/7, where there are advertisements everywhere....and where I get to be the consumerist whore that I am and indulge in retail therapy (haha). I've loved NYC each time I visited, and I hope, come Spring 2007, I still love it. This past week has been nolstagic. On Monday, I met Melissa briefly at the Mrt Station to pass her stuff before she went back to Beijing. Then I had dinner + coffee bean (which really resulted in a lot of eating!) with Engsiang... that's one friend I only talk to when he's back in Singapore, but there's alway so much to say- from the philosophy of mathematics, how to motivate ourselves to exercise... and of course, endless gossip. On Wednesday morning, I called Estelle at the airport to say Bye before she left for NYC. We always had this joke about how 'I follow Estelle' and 'Estelle follows me'... and this time, she said, 'Next semester, you'll really follow me!' On Friday, I met up with Fuzzy...which was heartwarming because I felt like I was speaking from my heart all the time, and it was nice to hear an old friend talk. And she told me, 'Chengwei, you sound happy now.' wow, I was a happy enough girl just hearing that. And she's leaving very soon too.Sigh.