Lazing on a Sunday morning
So it's Sunday again, the end of the week, time does fly. It's a seemingly ordinary Sunday morning, but it's not any other Sunday morning either.
I was awakened early by Liza, who was preparing to go to church. As she got changed, we chatted while I lazed in bed. Laughed, as she asked me if her clothes matched, like I always ask her if I look fine just before going out. I suggested different colours to go with her skirt, or wearing my white skirt instead. She asked me if I wanted to try her new conditioner... girl talk. I like girl talk.
After she left, I continued to bum around. It's Sunday, it's the maid's day off, it's my day of rest, being alone in the room. No running this morning- i've promised myself a break. I simply alternated between reading and falling asleep. And it felt nice. Everytime I felt like I was ready to get my butt off the bed and wake up, I wound up cuddling up under my blanket, for more reading, dreaming, peace. I just didn't want to get out of bed, and I was perfectly happy to let myself laze. =)
Who cares about sleeping 7 hours a day, it's Sunday!
I ended up taking out my golden box- a box filled with letters, cards, and other random articles which hold memories. I reread some of the mail I received while I was in NYC, and a revelation made my day. I thought I couldn't bring myself to look back on New York. No matter how much of it was wonderful, the darkness of the last couple of weeks seemed to overshadow everything, ruin it. Such that I thought I'd never want to think about New York, being away. But this morning, rereading those words, I realized it's not true. There were so many more happy memories, things to remember New York by... now that my perspective has been somewhat fixed, tbe bad parts seems so small, insignificant. I'm grateful for the experience of NYC, I miss NYC, I want to remember NYC. =) And the warm fuzzy feeling that while I was gone, there were people who cared.
And how much I care for all of them too. (yes, my dear ones, know that I love you!)
It's not any other Sunday morning, it's a good Sunday morning. Boring, but nice.
Yesterday was great too. I had a great time helping out with a charity card booth along Wisma, then dinner, and shopping with the parents. And oh, I decided I couldn't bare the discomfort of having my hair covering my face anymore, and showed my parents the new earhole, figuring that they'll find out anyway. ANd they weren't pissed, yay.

This is my happy drug.
I sound like an overly high Energizer bunny nowadays, don't I?
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